Simple Dressing Game Script Template (Limelight)

Here’s a free simple dressing game for you guys to use in your limelight stories! Simply enter your main character’s name into the text box, click ‘generate script’ and copy the code to your clipboard!

[INT. TEEN SISTER’S BEDROOM – DAY #You can change the background above to any background you like! @cut to zone 2 @CHARACTER1 stands screen center AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop @pause for 3 label dressing_game CHARACTER1 (What should I wear today?) choice “Outfit 1″{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit1 #Change the word MC_outfit1 to whatever your first outfit’s filename is – e.g. RACHEL_smart_casual } “Outfit 2″{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit2 #Change the word MC_outfit2 to whatever your second outfit’s filename is – e.g. RACHEL_winter_clothes } “Outfit 3″{ @CHARACTER1 walks to upscreen left in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 changes into MC_outfit3 #Change the word MC_outfit3 to whatever your third outfit’s filename is – e.g. RACHEL_workout_gear } @CHARACTER1 walks to screen center in zone 2 @pause for a beat CHARACTER1 (think_rubchin) (Shall I wear this or try something else?) choice “Wear this outfit.”{ CHARACTER1 (idle_headbob_neutral_loop) (This is perfect!) } “Try something else.”{ goto dressing_game } @CHARACTER1 exits left ]


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    GO789 1006 3 months ago

    GO789 duoc biet den la mot trong nhung cong game bai doi thuong uy tin nhat hien nay voi vo so uu diem hap dan. Cac nguoi choi game bai lau nam cung danh gia rat tot ve chat luong kho tro choi tieu khien cung nhu dich vu tien ich ma cong game nay cung cap

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    thank you so much!!

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    how do you remember outfit choices? I NEED HELP

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    What'a Your Instagram So I Can Give You Credit?

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    Do you want me to give you cretidet?

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    it dont work

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    Anonymous 5 years ago

    Hi Joseph, I'm making my own Episode story and I have like hundreds of questions, you know of a way to talk to each other if you can and want answer my questions? or if you can answer here I can write all in the comments

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    It worked once but not anymore i don't understand someone help pls

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    Love this! <3

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    Anonymous 6 years ago

    I cant use this script more that once without it glitching. The first time is perfect but when I use it the second time it glitches to the first options. I really need help. I've tried everything.

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    Really helpfull

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    All backgrounds with more than one zone will work with this template

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    I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on this but with more than 3 choices? Like what the right coding is for The Next Page option.. Thanks 🙂

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    Maybe the wardrobe

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    How can you add gem choices in changing clothes?

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    No, you can do as much as you want. You just have to change the name of the label like: dressing_game, dressing_game_1, dressing_game_2 etc.

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    SOOO, the label finally work and now i can't let my character leave the closet.. idk what to anymore i tried everything!!


    @cut to zone 2

    @SANNE stands screen center AND SANNE faces right

    @SANNE starts idle_happy_loop

    @pause for 3

    label dressingup_1

    (What should I wear today?)

    "Outfit 1"{

    @SANNE walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @SANNE changes into Fancy

    "Outfit 2"{

    @SANNE walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @SANNE changes into Pop of color

    "Outfit 3"{

    @SANNE walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @SANNE changes into Party


    @SANNE walks to screen center in zone 2

    @pause for a beat

    SANNE (think_rubchin)
    (Shall I wear this or try something else?)

    "Wear this outfit."{

    SANNE (idle_headbob_neutral_loop)
    (This is perfect!)

    "Try something else."{

    SANNE (think_rubchin)
    (Nope, I'll try something else)

    goto dressingup_1


    @SANNE exits left

    @transition fade out in 2

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    It said "Choices must follow a dialog immediately, not a branch" what does that mean? I'll paste my script and tell you where it says it has an error. Please help


    @MIKO walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @MIKO changes into MIKO_red

    choice It says its an error here!

    @MIKO walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @MIKO changes into MIKO_gray


    @MIKO walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @MIKO changes into MIKO_comfortable

    "What I had on first"{

    @MIKO walks to upscreen left in zone 3

    @MIKO changes into MIKO_default

    @MIKO walks to screen center in zone 2

    @pause for a beat

    MIKO (think)
    (Should I slay this?)


    MIKO (head_bob)
    (This is perfect!)

    "God no"{

    goto dressing_game


    @MIKO exits left

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    the labels dont work and im going insane lol

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    Can you explain to me what you mean? Maybe I can help you.

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    If you want a new label you'll have to do it like this:

    label dressing_game1

    and if you want a new label again:

    label dressing_game2,

    because if you call them all "dressing_game"
    they will keep glitching out and going to the first one.
    hope this helped! 🙂

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    I tried to have three separate dressing games in an episode but by the second one, if I decided to change outfits, it would bring the original character back with their choices and restarted the story that happens in between the changing games (luckily it isn't too long in between). Please help. Am I only allowed to do one per episode?

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    WOW Was so good I now know how what to do

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    I really don’t and I am not trying to be rude but pouring out my mind

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    I need some help, because the thing only lets me use the lable once and then if i duplicate the lable it starts hardcore glitching….what do I do?!!

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    when i used the template, it worked if you chose to keep the outfit, but it wouldn't work if I wanted to change it. What did I do wrong?????

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    In my story I did two of these. Whenever I preview the second one, it's ok until I press try something else and it'll go to the first dressing game. I hope you understand what i'm trying to say. Do I need to change my label?

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    y que se hace después ?

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    What other backgrounds work well with this?

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    You need it because if the player chooses to try something else it goes to the initial label and it starts all over again so the player can choose another outfit.
    I think that's why but not sure tho, I'm still only an amateur lol

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    What is goto dressing game for?

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    You copy paste it and make the changes you need 🙂

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    I need help getting it
    And this looks so good I need this