Driving A Car Script Template – Night (Limelight)

Here’s a free car driving template to use in your limelight stories! Simply enter your characters’ names into the text boxes, click ‘generate script’ and copy the code to your clipboard!

[EXT. CITY HIGHWAY LOOP – NIGHT with CAR ANGLE BROWN music car_motor @zoom reset @overlay CAR ANGLE BROWN shifts to -311 0 in zone 1 @overlay CAR ANGLE BROWN scales to 1.000 1.000 @CHARACTER1 spot 0.848 219 89 AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER2 spot 0.866 126 83 AND CHARACTER2 faces right @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @CHARACTER2 starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop &zoom on 183 146 to 172% in 7 @transition fade in black 3 @pause for 4 @speechbubble is 185 207 to 100% with tail_top_right CHARACTER1 (talk_book_open_neutral) Looks like I’m actually driving a car, doesn’t it? @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @speechbubble is 129 188 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER2 (talk_repulsed) Wait – you’re… not? @speechbubble is 202 205 to 100% with tail_top_left @zoom on 249 228 to 383% in 0 CHARACTER1 (talk_book_open_neutral) You can even zoom in on each character, like this. @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @zoom on 120 223 to 383% in 0 @speechbubble is 193 169 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER2 (talk_afraid) Just concentrate on the road! @zoom on 183 146 to 172% in 0 @pause for 3 ]