[EXT. CITY HIGHWAY LOOP – DAY with CAR ANGLE BROWN music car_motor @zoom reset @overlay CAR ANGLE BROWN shifts to -311 0 in zone 1 @overlay CAR ANGLE BROWN scales to 1.000 1.000 @CHARACTER1 spot 0.848 219 89 AND CHARACTER1 faces right @CHARACTER2 spot 0.866 126 83 AND CHARACTER2 faces right @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @CHARACTER2 starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop &zoom on 183 146 to 172% in 7 @transition fade in black 3 @pause for 4 @speechbubble is 185 207 to 100% with tail_top_right CHARACTER1 (talk_book_open_neutral) Looks like I’m actually driving a car, doesn’t it? @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @speechbubble is 129 188 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER2 (talk_repulsed) Wait – you’re… not? @speechbubble is 202 205 to 100% with tail_top_left @zoom on 249 228 to 383% in 0 CHARACTER1 (talk_book_open_neutral) You can even zoom in on each character, like this. @CHARACTER1 starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop @zoom on 120 223 to 383% in 0 @speechbubble is 193 169 to 100% with tail_top_left CHARACTER2 (talk_afraid) Just concentrate on the road! @zoom on 183 146 to 172% in 0 @pause for 3 ]
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thank u
This is very helpful, thank you! Do we give credit to someone?
I copy this and I can't get it to work every time I do @Hope starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop
it says @Hope starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop is not a valid directing command
what do I do???????
thank you!
my 2nd character is larger than my 1st character and I don't know why, I put in the name and copied it to my script
how can I change the car overlay to my own car overlay? And this helped me a lot!!!! You are awesome.
you do 'music off'
How do I stop the music after im done in the car?
you have no idea how much these have helped me!
This is amazing, thanks for taking the time out to help amateurs like me haha
OMG i really dont know how to thank you you really gave me a huge help thank you soo much. these codes all are helping me
This really works! Thanks Joseph Evans!