Created by: @writer.trishagold
NOTE Zooms + zones: The template has 3 sets of zooms for every category, because for every zone the zoom is different to get the character in the center of the screen. These templates are set for a character being in zone 1. For zone 2, put a # before the first zoom (of zone 1) and take away the # in front of the second one (for zone 2). As you might have guessed, the third zoom is the one for zone 3.
[# Avatar – Female { #@FAMILYMEMBER1 stands screen center in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 enters from left to screen center NARRATOR So… what’s your name? label first_name_input input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME) if (NAME is “”) { NARRATOR You do need a name. goto first_name_input } else { continue } label avatar_0 @zoom reset @speechbubble reset NARRATOR So, [NAME], what’s your look? choice “Skin Tone” { goto bodyColor_0 }”Hair” { goto hair_0 }”Eyes” { goto eyes_0 }”Eyebrows” { goto brows_0 }”Face Shape”{ goto face_0 }”Nose” { goto nose_0 }”Mouth” { goto mouth_0 }
“This is perfect!” { goto avatar_end } label bodyColor_0 @zoom on 155 0 to 120% in 0 #@zoom on 455 0 to 120% in 0 #@zoom on 765 0 to 120% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What skin color would you like? choice “Fair Warm”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Warm goto bodyColor_0 }”Fair Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Gold goto bodyColor_0 }”Beige Light Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Neutral goto bodyColor_0 }”Fair Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Neutral goto bodyColor_0 }”Beige Light Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Rose goto bodyColor_0 }”Fair Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Rose goto bodyColor_0 }”Beige Light Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Gold goto bodyColor_0 }”Beige Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Rose goto bodyColor_0 }”Beige Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Gold goto bodyColor_0 }”Tan Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Neutral goto bodyColor_0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto bodyColor_1 } “This looks good!”{ @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop goto avatar_0 } label bodyColor_1 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What skin color would you like? choice “Beige Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Deep Gold goto bodyColor_1 }”Beige Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige DeepNeutral goto bodyColor_1 }”Beige Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Neutral goto bodyColor_1 }”Tan Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Gold goto bodyColor_1 }”Beige Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Deep Rose goto bodyColor_1 }”Tan Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Rose goto bodyColor_1 }”Tan Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Gold goto bodyColor_1 }”Tan Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Rose goto bodyColor_1 }”Tan Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Neutral goto bodyColor_1 } “Next Page >>”{ goto bodyColor_2 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto bodyColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop goto avatar_0 } label bodyColor_2 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What skin color would you like? choice “Brown Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Gold goto bodyColor_2 }”Brown Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Neutral goto bodyColor_2 }”Brown Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Rose goto bodyColor_2 }”Brown Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Rose goto bodyColor_2 }”Brown Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Gold goto bodyColor_2 }”Brown Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Neutral goto bodyColor_2 }”Beige Green Light”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Green Light goto bodyColor_2 }”Green”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Green goto bodyColor_2 }”Light Blue”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Light Blue goto bodyColor_2 }”Blue”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Blue goto bodyColor_2 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto bodyColor_1 } “This looks good!”{ @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop goto avatar_0 } label brows_0 @zoom on 150 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 320 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What eyebrow shape would you like? choice “Arched Natural”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Natural goto brows_0 }”Arched Thick Styled”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Thick Styled goto brows_0 }”Arched Thin”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Thin goto brows_0 }”Arched Thin High”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Thin High goto brows_0 }”Round Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Medium goto brows_0 }”Round Thick”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Thick goto brows_0 }”Round Thin High”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Thin High goto brows_0 }”Straight Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Straight Medium goto brows_0 } “Select a color.”{ goto browsColor_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label browsColor_0 @zoom on 150 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 320 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color should your eyebrows be? choice “Black Dark”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark goto browsColor_0 }”Black Jet”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet goto browsColor_0 }”Deep Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown goto browsColor_0 }”Dark Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown goto browsColor_0 }”Chestnut Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown goto browsColor_0 }”Medium Warm Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Medium Warm Brown goto browsColor_0 }”Light Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown goto browsColor_0 }”Blonde Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium goto browsColor_0 }”Dirty Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde goto browsColor_0 }”Honey Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde goto browsColor_0 }”Platinum Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde goto browsColor_0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto browsColor_1 } “Change eyebrow shape.”{ goto brows_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label browsColor_1 @zoom on 150 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 320 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 320 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color should your eyebrows be? choice “Strawberry Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde goto browsColor_1 }”Gray”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Gray goto browsColor_1 }”Cool Gray”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Cool Gray goto browsColor_1 }”Warm White”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Warm White goto browsColor_1 }”Copper Red”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red goto browsColor_1 }”Ginger Red”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red goto browsColor_1 }”Green Mint”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint goto browsColor_1 }”Pink Light”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt goto browsColor_1 }”Purple Lilac”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac goto browsColor_1 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto browsColor_0 } “Change eyebrow shape.”{ goto brows_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label face_0 @zoom on 150 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 350 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What face shape would you like? choice “Diamond Long”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Diamond Long goto face_0 }”Diamond”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Diamond goto face_0 }”Heart Defined”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Heart Defined goto face_0 }”Heart Mature”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Heart Mature goto face_0 }”Heart Soft”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Heart Soft goto face_0 }”Round Soft”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Round Soft goto face_0 }”Square Mature”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Square Mature goto face_0 }”Triangle Defined”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Triangle Defined goto face_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label eyes_0 @zoom on 165 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 350 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What eye shape would you like? choice “Deepset Downturned” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Downturned goto eyes_0 }”Deepset Mature” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Mature goto eyes_0 }”Deepset Almond” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Almond goto eyes_0 }”Sharp Almond” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Sharp Almond goto eyes_0 }”Female Generic” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Female Generic goto eyes_0 }”Monolid Slender” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Monolid Slender goto eyes_0 }”Round Downturned Wide” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Round Downturned Wide goto eyes_0 }”Round Medium” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Round Medium goto eyes_0 } “Select a color.”{ goto eyesColor_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label eyesColor_0 @zoom on 165 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 350 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color should your eyes be? choice “Brown Black” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Black goto eyesColor_0 }”Brown Dark” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Dark goto eyesColor_0 }”Brown Light” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Light goto eyesColor_0 }”Grey Cool” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Grey Cool goto eyesColor_0 }”Blue Deep” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Blue Deep goto eyesColor_0 }”Blue Aqua” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua goto eyesColor_0 }”Hazel” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Hazel goto eyesColor_0 }”Green Emerald” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Green Emerald goto eyesColor_0 }”Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Red goto eyesColor_0 }”Violet” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Violet goto eyesColor_0 } “Change eye shape.”{ goto eyes_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouth_0 @zoom on 155 310 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 470 310 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 310 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What mouth shape would you like? choice “Full Heart Pouty” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Full Heart Pouty goto mouth_0 }”Medium Heart Natural” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural goto mouth_0 }”Medium Thin” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Medium Thin goto mouth_0 }”Thin Heart” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Thin Heart goto mouth_0 } “Select color.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthColor_0 NARRATOR What color lips would you like? choice “Natural”{ goto mouthNatural0 }”Bright Colored”{ goto mouthMakeup0 }”Dark Colored”{ goto mouthMakeupDark0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthNatural0 NARRATOR What natural lip color would you like? choice “Fair Rose Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte goto mouthNatural0 }”Fair Neutral Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte goto mouthNatural0 }”Beige Light Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte goto mouthNatural0 }”Fair Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte goto mouthNatural0 }”Beige Rose” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Rose goto mouthNatural0 }”Beige Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte goto mouthNatural0 }”Beige Deep Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral goto mouthNatural0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto mouthNatural1 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthNatural1 NARRATOR What natural lip color would you like? choice “Tan Deep Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold goto mouthNatural1 }”Tan Deep Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral goto mouthNatural1 }”Brown Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Gold goto mouthNatural1 }”Brown Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral goto mouthNatural1 }”Brown Deep Rose” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose goto mouthNatural1 }”Brown Deep Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold goto mouthNatural1 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto mouthNatural0 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthMakeup0 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Pink Peach Light Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Gloss goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Peach Lt Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Peach Light Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte goto mouthMakeup0 }”Peach Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss goto mouthMakeup0 }”Peach Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Peach Matte goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Beige Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Beige Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Medium Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss goto mouthMakeup0 }”Pink Medium Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte goto mouthMakeup0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto mouthMakeup1 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthMakeup1 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Pink Hot Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss goto mouthMakeup1 }”Pink Hot Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte goto mouthMakeup1 }”Pink Deep Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss goto mouthMakeup1 }”Pink Deep Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte goto mouthMakeup1 }”Purple Pastel Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss goto mouthMakeup1 }”Purple Pastel Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte goto mouthMakeup1 }”Pink Warm Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss goto mouthMakeup1 }”Pink Warm Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte goto mouthMakeup1 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto mouthMakeup0 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthMakeupDark0 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Red Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Red Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Matte goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Rose Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Rose Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Rose Matte goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Red Deep Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Red Deep Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Violet Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark0 }”Violet Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Violet Matte goto mouthMakeupDark0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto mouthMakeupDark1 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label mouthMakeupDark1 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Mauve Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark1 }”Mauve Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte goto mouthMakeupDark1 }”Plum Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark1 }”Plum Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Plum Matte goto mouthMakeupDark1 }”Black Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Black Gloss goto mouthMakeupDark1 }”Black Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Black Matte goto mouthMakeupDark1 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto mouthMakeupDark0 } “Try other colors.”{ goto mouthColor_0 } “Change lip shape.”{ goto mouth_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hair_0 @zoom on 150 275 to 155% in 0 #@zoom on 480 275 to 155% in 0 #@zoom on 800 275 to 155% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts admire_happy NARRATOR There are tons of hairstyles to choose from! Which styles would you like to browse? choice “Short Hair Styles”{ goto hairShort }”Mid-length Hair Styles”{ goto hairMedium }”Long Hair Styles”{ goto hairLong }”Tied-Up Hair Styles”{ goto hairUp } “Change Color.”{ goto hairColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairShort NARRATOR What short hair style would you like? choice “Short Curly Fade” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Curly Fade @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Short Pixie” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Pixie @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Punk Pixie” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Punk Pixie @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Classic Bob” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Classic Bob @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Short Wavy Hair Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Curly Bob” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Curly Bob @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Blunt Bangs Short” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort }”Long Faux Hawk Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShort } “Change Length.”{ goto hair_0 } “Change Color.”{ goto hairColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairMedium NARRATOR What medium length hair style would you like? choice “Straight Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Straight Medium @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Short Wavy Ombre” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Hair Flip” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Hair Flip @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Medium Curly Solid”{ @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Medium Curly Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Afro”{ @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Afro @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Medium Braided” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Medium Braided @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium }”Medium Dreadlocks” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairMedium } “Change Length.”{ goto hair_0 } “Change Color.”{ goto hairColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairLong NARRATOR What long hairstyle would you like? choice “Beach Wave Hair” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Beach Wave Hair @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Feathered” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Feathered @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Straight Loose Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Braided” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Braided @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong }”Long Dreadlocks” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Dreadlocks @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairLong } “Change Length.”{ goto hair_0 } “Change Color.”{ goto hairColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairUp NARRATOR What tied-up style would you like? choice “Morning Updo” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Morning Updo @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairUp }”Short High Ponytail” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short High Ponytail @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairUp }”Long High Ponytail” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long High Ponytail @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairUp }”Braided Bun” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Braided Bun @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairUp } “Change Length.”{ goto hair_0 } “Change Color.”{ goto hairColor_0 } “This looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairColor_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Black Dark” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Black Dark goto hairColor_0 }”Black Jet” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Black Jet goto hairColor_0 }”Deep Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Deep Brown goto hairColor_0 }”Dark Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Dark Brown goto hairColor_0 }”Chestnut Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown goto hairColor_0 }”Medium Warm Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown goto hairColor_0 }”Light Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Light Brown goto hairColor_0 } “Next Page >>”{ goto hairColor_1 } “Change Style.”{ goto hair_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairColor_1 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Yellow” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Yellow goto hairColor_1 }”Honey Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Honey Blonde goto hairColor_1 }”Blonde Medium” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blonde Medium goto hairColor_1 }”Dirty Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde goto hairColor_1 }”Ash Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Ash Blonde goto hairColor_1 }”Platinum Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde goto hairColor_1 }”Warm White” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Warm White goto hairColor_1 }”Aqua Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Gray goto hairColor_1 }”Cool Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Cool Gray goto hairColor_1 }”Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Gray goto hairColor_1 } “Next Page >>”{ goto hairColor_2 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto hairColor_0 } “Change Style.”{ goto hair_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairColor_2 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Burgundy Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Burgundy Red goto hairColor_2 }”Copper Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Copper Red goto hairColor_2 }”Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Red goto hairColor_2 }”Ginger Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Ginger Red goto hairColor_2 }”Strawberry Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde goto hairColor_2 }”Orange” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Orange goto hairColor_2 }”Peach Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Peach Blonde goto hairColor_2 } “Next Page >>”{ goto hairColor_3 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto hairColor_1 } “Change Style.”{ goto hair_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairColor_3 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Grievance Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Grievance Green goto hairColor_3 }”Aqua Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Green goto hairColor_3 }”Green Mint” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Green Mint goto hairColor_3 }”Yellow Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Yellow Green goto hairColor_3 }”Blue Black” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blue Black goto hairColor_3 }”Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blue goto hairColor_3 }”Aqua Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Blue goto hairColor_3 }”Cornflower Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue goto hairColor_3 } “Next Page >>”{ goto hairColor_4 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto hairColor_2 } “Change Style.”{ goto hair_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label hairColor_4 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Plum ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Plum goto hairColor_4 }”Purple ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Purple goto hairColor_4 }”Red Purple ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Red Purple goto hairColor_4 }”Purple Lilac” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Purple Lilac goto hairColor_4 }”Pop Pink ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Pop Pink goto hairColor_4 }”Hot Pink ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Hot Pink goto hairColor_4 }”Pink Light” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Pink Lt goto hairColor_4 } “<< Previous Page”{ goto hairColor_3 } “Change Style.”{ goto hair_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label nose_0 @zoom on 155 310 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 465 310 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 785 310 to 165% in 0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What nose would you like? choice “Defined Natural” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Defined Natural goto nose_0 }”Grecian Soft” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Grecian Soft goto nose_0 }”Round Broad” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Broad goto nose_0 }”Round Button” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Button goto nose_0 }”Round Button Upturned” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Button Upturned goto nose_0 }”Round Downturned” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Downturned goto nose_0 }”Round Flared Upturned ” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Flared Upturned goto nose_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto avatar_0 } label avatar_end @zoom reset NARRATOR Are you sure this is the look for you? choice “Yes, I look perfect!”{ #@remove FAMILYMEMBER1 &CHARACTER1 exits right @transition fade out 2 goto story_start } “No, I have to change something.”{ goto avatar_0 } #} label story_start NARRATOR This is where the story begins. Happy writing! ]
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Indian marriage ceremony is a giant affair and the kin and mates come a few days upfront to take pleasure in the identical. If you’re thinking of giving Hinge a attempt, we’ve put collectively this step-by-step guide to provide you with some insight into the ins and outs of the app, and offer you a number of tips to get began. You submit commonly, not less than just a few occasions per week. Worst case state of affairs, your date is impressed that you read the brand new York Times. They can also be learn on-line as E-Magazines on-line. Men can go those locations to hunt his accomplice the place girls grasp out, can provide formal smile to these belles and may talk to them formally. There is a imprecise concept exists on this earth that girls like up to now males who’re good trying and have huge riches. There isn’t a such concrete rule to seek a ladies but an individual can follow some steps in in search of his dream girl. But this process of Men searching for ladies is not as easy as a person thinks of it. However ‘this perfectionism in social media tradition is making a gap between the way you show up on-line and in individual’ warned Tina.
Scammers typically find victims from celeb fan pages and target them understanding they have a weakness for that particular person. You needn’t have great features or romantic instincts to work out this, all you need is simply little internet literacy and membership with real online social networking websites. If you’re looking to seek out an Indian restaurant for eating out or for some extra elaborate arrangements on the particular events like the marriage, then you can find the assets and data on-line. Indian cuisine is a mixture of various influences. The different people, communities and ethnicities which have dominated India or had buying and selling and political relations with India have influenced all its cultural components, including the delicacies. India, with its sub-tropical local weather, is ready to grow a wide number of agricultural merchandise including a variety of spices. By now we’re conversant in the cold calculation that dating (particularly of the online selection) is a numbers game.
• OkCupid helps in this case, now you can chat and date together with your love one’s on cellular additionally. Two strangers meet with each other and pave their path of love. He additionally has the benefit to understand the mental construction of the woman whom he’s going to meet. This facet of a man’s character attracts a woman very a lot. In modern days on-line relationship is found very much in style. The biker jacket shouldn’t be one thing that [url=]latamdate scam[/url] fashionable designers have crafted. Irving Schott has first designed the biker jacket. The leather biker jacket is ruling the trend from the Second World War time. Generally, leather biker jacket was for males beforehand. Nowadays, a lot of the women and men are simply gaga about these leather-based biker jackets. Men in search of girls ought to observe some extra suggestions that they needs to be humoristic and lovable. Keep reading other online dating tips to get a more complex understanding of the net dating experience. If a man follows such steps, he will certainly get success. The success of this process relies on proper time and proper place.
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You will fall in love and want to take things ahead. Whether finding out abroad, working overseas, taking a vacation, or backpacking by way of Europe, young, single women will probably fall in love with the tradition, cuisine, and cute guys. Vos continued her profitable streak in at some point races taking out wins within the Rabobank 7-Dorpenomloop Aalburg and Durango-Durango Emakumeen Saria. Approximately a hundred and fifty girls, a majority of them university college students, participated in the Fest that lasted your entire day. SofiaDate provides a platform for those in search of serious relationships with European girls, particularly Slavic ones. If you’re looking for a location that offers a serene lifestyle, this region has all of it. While the Greek Cypriot South of the country already offers well-developed markets for overseas investors, Northern Cyprus, also known because the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is an emerging vacation spot for property consumers. While courting if you happen to surprise these Danish ladies even with simplest of Danish branded perfumes and deodorants nicely wrapped in a reward pack they’d remember the surprise for rest of their life.
You’ll be supported at every step of your courting journey. With the arrival of technology,finding an apt online relationship site is very straightforward particularly in Europe. Check with the final circumstances of the site to know the kind conditions crucial for a withdrawal. However, most opinions are positive, so we included this site in our record. Belgian women are identified for his or her open-mindedness, confidence, and passion in relationships. Ukrainian girls make extremely coveted wives, however even probably the most amazing love story starts with an opening message online. Marianne Vos began her street season late, leaving the crew to help other riders in the opening races of the 12 months. Just like the previous year, Annemiek van Vleuten won the opening prologue. The crew’s first road win of the season got here at the Drentse eight van Dwingeloo, with Vos claiming victory. The crew’s first total General classification win came at the Festival Luxembourgeois du cyclisme féminin Elsy Jacobs, once more being gained by Vos, together with a stage; Annemiek van Vleuten also won the prologue and a stage. The team’s directeur sportif is Eric van den Boom. The crew’s first win of the season got here within the Ronde van Drenthe the place Marianne Vos claimed victory.
Van der Breggen then claimed general victory at the Festival Luxembourgeois du cyclisme féminin Elsy Jacobs with Vos winning the Points classification and Ferrand-Prévot taking both the Mountains and Young rider classifications. Pauline Ferrand-Prévot gained the La Flèche Wallonne Féminine with Anna van der Breggen claiming victory on the Dwars door de Westhoek. In January the workforce scored first and third within the UCI World Cyclo-cross championships, with Pauline Ferrand-Prévot and Marianne Vos respectively. Marianne Vos began the yr riding in Cyclo-Cross competitions winning eight of the twelve races she entered. “There’s a couple of tournaments that I played this 12 months that I don’t often play and that I won’t play subsequent 12 months,†McIlroy advised The Telegraph last week in Abu Dhabi. This web page was final edited on [url=]charmdate scam[/url] 12 June 2024, at 03:Forty six (UTC). A key discovering is that acceptance significantly mediates the relationship between the frequency of a companion’s behavior and one’s personal relationship satisfaction. The research, which analyzed the habits and acceptance in 307 married couples, concluded that how companions emotionally settle for each other’s behaviors considerably impacts relationship satisfaction. Relationship building takes work, significantly when coping with cultural obstacles.
While opposites can appeal to, sharing fundamental values and interests can lay a powerful basis for a relationship. There are clear advantages to studying languages for love, but in Poland there have been misunderstandings that took some time to decipher. Only Reviewed and verified profiles are able to make use of the relationship platform. The platform is a product of The Meet Group, Inc., which is owned by ParshipMeet Holding GmbH. 3. Diverse Culture: The island of Cyprus has a rich and various history, with influences from numerous civilizations, together with Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman. With its beautiful landscapes, wealthy historical past, and affordable property costs, Northern Cyprus has develop into a beautiful vacation spot for actual property investment. Why Put money into Northern Cyprus Real Estate? In this complete guide, we’ll delve deeper into the the reason why it is best to consider buying property in Northern Cyprus, the steps concerned within the purchasing process, and some particular issues for this distinctive area.
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As kept in mind above, businesses have different relationship management alternatives offered to them based on the topic. These 4 tend to be the very best systems for big business; other suppliers are popular amongst little to midsize organizations. Paper cuts are terrible and it’s a wonder such a small thing could harm. This is an advantage – it’s good to keep attempting to have sex work. When we do the same thing to our companion, it all could operate nicely. It is common that you will have numerous belongsTo relationships that all share the same foreign essential name also. Watch Birmingham relationship coach discuss her self aid hypnosis and NLP item which will help you to overcome those sensations of jealousy and insecurity. Before you can be real to yourself, you need to know your real self. Staying true to one another and standing together side by side is what real relationship is all about. But instead of staying in your pain, look for a method to proceed and continue with your day.
Most of us never ever hope our companion is dull, or the other method round. Look for a way to handle what’s taking place and do something immediately instead of always speaking about your relationship problems! How relationships go a long method? To get much more precise, you are truly making your whole relationships. The essence of an efficient communication in every relationship is quite obvious. Based upon the Communicative Interdependence Perspective, it was found that when partners switched from highly moderated communication (TMC) to face-to-face (FtF) or vice versa, they experienced certain levels of pain. A study that charged individuals with doing kind things for others found that the individuals underestimated how appreciated those gestures were. Despite rejections from Mr Rich, the panel also discovered proof from pals of Pupil A, especially in the form of messages talking about the relationship, likewise revealed a sexual relationship had actually begun in the summer of 2017, after she left.
This ‘ideal mate image’ may form from positive reactions to qualities we would like our goal-mate to have, along with homes we wish to be certain are not part of their makeup. Sometimes a design might have lots of associated models, yet you want to quickly recover the “latest” or “oldest” related model of the relationship. You should know right off the bat that [url=] review[/url] if you desire an enduring relationship with somebody unique, it’s going to take some significant work. Is what we’re seeing in a date what we are truly seeing, or what we believe we’re seeing, or what we actually desire to see, or do not want to see? For additional information about when to change cardinality, see Understanding extra alternatives. Do you know whether or not you are allowing him or her to think about a more serious commitment to you? An intimate relationship of your partner to another damages your trust, love and dedication for him.
As we’ve learned, the science of love and relationships boils down to basic lessons that are simultaneously easy, difficult and obvious to master: compassion, positivity and a strong emotional connection drive the happiest and healthiest relationships. Romantic and sexual relationships are a fundamental part of life. Relationships are effort but with all that effort put in to conserving your relationship, it can be saved! Our goal is to assist you develop and preserve healthy, happy, and satisfying relationships with your enjoyed ones. Just as in music, where every note and silence plays an essential role, in love, every gesture and word adds to the symphony of a satisfying relationship. Relatively speaking, everybody are co-making relationship designs by strongly luring them. Would you like to feel positive and comfy about your dating tactics and techniques; that is, fearless that you are playing it clever and at ease that the probabilities are in your favor so that if a match is to be, a favorable relationship will develop? You can be prepared for the aftermath when you acknowledge that there will be discomfort. There is absolutely nothing like good best relationship, all of us get stuck chasing the concept of ideal relationship.
You might want to start by blocking your ex and some of your mutual friends. You may instantly change your relationship standing to single after which start posting photographs of yourself laughing and holding palms with another individual. Even if you understand a person you want to match, then the fastest way to do this by way of meeting in person. Some web sites may try to develop a large international directory with plenty of phone numbers and some might even be costing as nicely. As you move to the world of blacks you may notice that there are some issues that blacks are going through. After all, there are free choices on the market that could work for you, however you cannot be too careful about anything free, so make sure you do your research. The first courting concept for any man is to make a excessive-high quality impression. Even though we are at all times informed to be ourselves, everyone wants to make the best impression potential during the first exchange with a potential date. Worse, they simply spread ill will amongst a large social community and may create even more onerous feelings, making it more difficult for everybody to move on with their lives.
She even visited Amsterdam to visit a “lawyer” who was supposedly responsible for holding cash from the inheritance in a vault. As you make this life changing choice keep in mind that on the other aspect of your decision is a lady who for their very own reasons is choosing to satisfy a stranger to search out love as properly. I like to expose the flaws in our systems, to find what makes us susceptible. As we now have seen, radioactivity is “pure,” and we all comprise things like radioactive carbon-14. We get hit with secondary cosmic rays the entire time, but we’re not injured because these secondary rays have lower vitality than major cosmic rays. These secondary cosmic rays then collide with other issues on Earth, including humans. Gamma rays are made from vitality, not moving particles like alpha and beta particles. Obviously, you won’t ever prefer to be a victim of a finical rip-off. In flip, that particular person’s profile will become invisible to you. If you block one other user, it means you’ll remove that particular person from your listing of buddies and your profile becomes invisible to him or her. Typical lottery scams tackle the individual as some variation of Lucky Winner.
Excellent news for the trade since this number is projected to grow by leaps and bounds in the approaching years. Richsingleclub News Is Paris Hilton dating again? The one life can be great, it may be lonely, it could have issues, it can result in a number of misery, however then so can living with, courting or being married to [url=][/url] somebody you don’t love or respect. The loss of an electron can cause problems, including everything from cell death to genetic mutations (leading to most cancers), in any dwelling thing. Radio Waves (Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation): Radiofrequency (RF) radiation from units resembling cell telephones, WiFi routers and radio broadcasts is mostly secure within regulatory limits. Neutron radiation can be made from nuclear reactors in energy plants and nuclear-powered ships and in particle accelerators, devices used to check subatomic physics. Visible Light (Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation): Visible mild is important for vision and not harmful in typical daily interactions. Microwaves (Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation): Microwaves, utilized in microwave ovens for cooking, are protected when following safety guidelines. Radon Gas (Ionizing Radiation): Radon gas emits ionizing radiation and might seep into houses from the ground, potentially growing the risk of lung most cancers when current in high concentrations.
Radiation Therapy (Ionizing Radiation): Medical professionals administer ionizing radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays, during most cancers therapy for therapeutic functions. Dental X-rays (Ionizing Radiation): Ionizing X-ray radiation throughout dental procedures, such as dental X-rays and panoramic radiographs, is generally safe when used appropriately. Gamma rays are like X-rays in that they penetrate matter, however they are extra energetic than X-rays. Neutrons – because they lack charge – penetrate very deeply and are finest stopped by extraordinarily thick layers of concrete or liquids like water or gasoline oil. For example, one fermium-256 atom may turn out to be a xenon-140 and a palladium-112 atom, and in the method it’s going to eject 4 neutrons (referred to as “prompt neutrons” as a result of they’re ejected in the mean time of fission). These neutrons may be absorbed by different atoms and cause nuclear reactions, corresponding to decay or fission, or they will collide with other atoms, like billiard balls, and trigger gamma rays to be emitted. Gamma rays, like X-rays, are stopped by lead. A heavy atom like fermium-256 undergoes spontaneous fission about ninety seven p.c of the time when it decays, and in the process, it turns into two atoms.
Success story: A couple in their 50s who met on eharmony and have been married six years. As a member of our Cupid app, you may meet individuals in your space with whom you would not otherwise have the opportunity to interact regularly. With so many net cupid courting selections out there, we’re convinced that you’re going to be blown away by the variety of females in your space. Rather, we display rates from lenders which can be licensed or in any other case authorized to work in Vermont. Rather, it implies that as relationships proceed, couples must decide their very own guidelines of etiquette based on their circumstances, personalities and comfort levels. In addition, politicians enjoy modifying the principles for civil time zones, particularly for daylight saving instances, each couple of years, so the only actually reliable manner of describing a neighborhood time zone is to specify numerically the difference of that local time to UTC. 2. The rules For Online Dating and 3. “”I can not Believe Im Buying This Book””: A Commonsense Guide To Online Dating. Along with 45% of users saying they felt frustrated from online dating, 35% say courting platforms made them really feel pessimistic, and 25% say utilizing the platform made them feel insecure.
It implies that as many as 74% of customers of online dating platforms are looking for some kind of dedication. You are not the one that should be ashamed and stopped. Out of the remaining 46%, 5% say that such relationships are extra profitable than relationships that began in person, leaving solely 41% who assume on-line relationships are less likely to last. Therefore take time studying over your profile and any messages you might be about to ship. Make sure to do your research, so you do not take on a non-profitable enterprise. 6. In case you want a break to recharge, take one. Information Received Can be SHARED WITH A number of THIRD Parties IN CONNECTION With your Loan INQUIRY. They may act to take away the content material and the user. In the identical report by Sensor Tower, we will see rapid development within the consumer bases of each Hinge and Bumble over the last three [url=][/url] years. While apps like Bumble and Hinge have larger consumer bases, I respect that The League presents me with more curated choices. Do you produce other online dating tips for ladies to cross alongside in the comments below?
As much as 19% of customers have talked to at least eleven at once, which is honestly spectacular. In a recent research, 19% of web users within the United States claimed they have been presently utilizing an online dating app or platform. Tell the dating site – and speak to the professionals. From the identical research by Healthy Framework, we are able to see that a quarter of users speak to four or 5 people at once. An extra 23% talk to 2 or 3 individuals. Start off with no expectations on both yourself and the folks you join with. This explicit online dating tip might even permit you to realise that you simply might not be greatest suited, and you can save your self time by not messaging her to start off with. Join Mingle2 and start dating along with your finest partner. Exercise may help. Here’s the most effective strategy to do it. Don’t be afraid to ask a buddy – should you start to commit to a relationship online or in particular person it can be laborious to stay goal. Almost a third of on-line daters – 29% – don’t want to waste any time to fulfill matches.
Unlike numerous different matrimonial sites where you solely get to know the skilled details about an individual, these websites provide an entire new approach where you can meet the identical individual at a private degree. You can also place ads on excessive site visitors web sites visited by your potential clients. The second group is the X era (35 plus) who had computers launched to them in their highschool years and slowly experienced the introduction and impact of the pc and internet through their following years. With assistance from a premier singles relationship service like ours, you can kick start your love life into excessive gear. Start dating on-line and at also free of value on POF. Start by researching what people are looking for after they search online for matchmaking providers. However, it’s clear that each Hinge and Bumble are consuming into Tinder’s market share. If the individual you’re corresponding with refuses to satisfy inside a couple of weeks or – as is usually the case – evades the invitation or retains postponing, it’s time to move on. There are always 1000’s of individuals online at any given time, creating a huge pool of actual-life folks to satisfy on video chat.
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(video on demand, still left; Hugh Stewart / Warner Bros. shots)
By Emily e.
The satirical awards show honoring the worst of the worst in cinema has taken place before the Academy for more than four decades. Each Razzie Award is given out with a pithy quote from an unsavory review, And this year’s batch unlike the films they hailed from did not fail.
The 43rd Razzies kicked off Friday by awarding Tom Hanks the worst sustaining actor trophy for what IndieWire called his “pleasantly awful. Kentucky fried gold new member” ranking in Baz Luhrmann’s “king elvis, (home buying described his turn as music impresario Col. Tom Parker as a job worst and a “unheard of misstep” which beloved actor.)simple fact that “elvis” Was nominated for eight at the 95th Academy, incorporating lead actor and best picture, It took [url=]idateasia scam[/url] home none on friday night. Nor has been Hanks, A two time Oscar victor for “Philadelphia” and after that “Forrest Gump, Among the 2023 sustaining actor Oscar nominees.
for the “Worst display screen combo” area, Hanks paired with his “Latex packed Face (And preposterous Accent)” Scored an additional Razzie.
7 Things All Women Need in A courting
Vivacity. The ability to relax is in life, Women love. Women require balanced and stable partners, people today that act human. They foresee that a workaholic will be unable to devote enough time to his family, That certainly the work will swallow him whole and he will deprive himself and his family of simple human joys. So everything should be good without excess. Do not give her a reason to suspect that you are a slave to you allow yourself to be free sometimes, Independent and pleased with life. Who do you think women want more a healthy and cheerful man or a tired workaholic?
Modesty. much more a person better. along with, There differ methods of seduction, And it is worth learning how to be charismatic and cunning. But these techniques are too risky. adult females, as a rule, Perfectly distinguish fake bravado from the symptoms of true brilliance or self esteem. exaggerating one own strength, whelm, benefits, Or sex is a sure sign of low status. and some women want only the best! nobody pretend to be someone else, not only will you be uncomfortable, But no one will buy into it. Do not tell her about how you had sex challenging girls in your high school.
skilled individual. Each of us has our own talents that know the difference between us from others. This may be the power to great at skiing. Or a chance to make wonderful nesting boxes. Or a talent for showing easy magic tricks, mindset a David Copperfield, But you understand how to entertain a woman. By being unique and qualified, You will demonstrate the proportions for leadership and it an important component of what women want, Which is high status and a sense of identity. So try to demonstrate your unique talents in action, merely in words.
awareness. Some being exposed, Manifested from time to time, Not only does not damage your status but also makes it strong. In a pretty, From the viewpoint of a [url=]qpid network[/url] woman, Male temperament, There is the so called androgyny a fusion of men and women characteristics. which, first of all, Means the capability to show sympathy and understanding, tenderness and care. twenty-four hours a day ask for advice from your girlfriend. go over sad or hurt, Tell her about that. But do not depict helplessness in matters that you simply do not want to do. And do not lie to your lover.
Light envy. You appear in public with a sophisticated woman, And all the men swiftly begin to dislocate their neck vertebrae in her direction. you may be flattered by such attention, But nobody show your true feelings. It is better to pretend that their overt envy irritates you a little. for a woman, Light signals of jealousy are the evidence of your affection. And crazy uncommon jealousy lowers your status because it speaks of your insecurity.
courtesy. women, Even the most free supposing person, Regards the manifestations of sexual incontinence as a threat to her security. There are deranged males who don’t realize that in the human language “n’t any” stands for “completely no, Even if you are planning on having a short term relationship, You should still pretend as swimming pool supplies on building a serious long term relationship. certain requirements that a woman makes to a casual partner are not so different from her requirements for a permanent partner. this is why, A woman wants to always think that her one time lover is not averse to establishing a romantic relationship.
hilarity. Women have to have to laugh, They adore men who make them laugh. Women love witty and cheerful men. And this goes back to the status. if you are a serious man, Yet you can still relax and you have a good humorousness you will have lots of success with women. If you are not good with humor it not the end of the planet. how to act without undue seriousness, Maybe even make fun of by hand when the occasion is right, Find something funny in all sorts of various situations. People with low status ‘re normally afraid to seem ridiculous.
In many areas of China, ladies continue to reside with their parents, and thus, the involvement of dad and mom within the relationships of their daughters is sort of a common phenomenon. But this is a typical remark. Lots of the favored relationship companies and social media sites you know and love are literally banned in China, so meeting Chinese language women can show challenging. We don’t exactly know the reasons – maybe it has one thing to do with the ruling class which doesn’t care to encourage the research of irony and sarcasm for fairly obvious reasons, but perhaps it’s just because there isn’t a such thing as “sarcasm†in their culture. There are also dearer packages, but the prices for 1 credit score in these packages are lower. Honesty and trust in relationships are crucial for Chinese language brides. Native Chinese authorities have ramped up their interest in boosting China’s beginning price for the reason that nation’s inhabitants was discovered to have fallen in 2022 for the primary time in sixty two years. That mentioned, it’s a must to be honest and realize that if her description of the date is accurate, the man was unworthy. Ulove Membership is founded by Mei Aisi, 35, a Chinese language man who has lived in Ukraine for sixteen years.
Think about, for a moment, if a 5’4″ Japanese male national got here to New York City for knowledgeable project and who knows only a bit of bit of English and American culture. Have you at all times been dreaming a couple of lady who knows the secret of eternal youth? Suppose about what you are really searching for, use the search instruments, and don’t forget to reply all of the questions throughout the registration on a Chinese mail order bride webpage-that is how you may get the very best matches and enhance your possibilities to find your excellent lady. You can see the solutions, as nicely as the list of top worldwide dating websites with Chinese brides in search of a international boyfriend right here! It’s not like there’s a list of desired qualities that Chinese language girls use to method potential partners, however there are still some qualities they wish to see of their future boyfriend or husband. If he’s American (or westernized), he has to take the following step and study abilities that assist him make the strategy. This step allows the best dating web sites to draw new prospects and make the previous ones get out of their service. Search Foreign Girls Profiles: A Overseas Affair (AFA) has extra international girls profiles from extra countries listed than another service of its variety!
As a result of, frankly, we’re extra prone to see a white particular person able to doing this successfully reasonably than an Indian person, East Asian person, or Middle Jap particular person in America. Me: “No reason. Have you ever ever dated an East Asian girl before? Being in a relationship with a Chinese woman will make you’re feeling very particular. Word that it’s going to work only should you [url=][/url] select a protected website that gives loads of really helpful companies, proper assist, and works onerous to protect your privateness. They are simple-going and positive, so you’ll hardly ever get bored in their company. Girls on the relationship app want to get acquainted with you, not your pets or property. If you’re going to send messages to girls on this online dating platform, you’ll want to purchase credit first-you can buy 20 credit for under $2.Ninety nine and it’s the best choice for those who need to do that courting site with out spending an excessive amount of. 1. A foreigner who has a partnership with a Chinese language girl, willy-nilly, has to be taught Chinese.
When asked why they like Chinese language men, the feminine members, mainly university college students, weren’t shy. It’s as a result of Asian cuisines are arguably the healthiest on the earth, and this is the reason they are so in style. It suggests she doesn’t appreciate or have any intention to find out about Chinese culture, which makes me marvel why on earth she is in China to begin with. A reliable website suggests advanced validation of personality. Discover the user base, safety features, matchmaking service, communication ways, and paid membership guidelines earlier than becoming a member of a courting web site. 5. Buyer evaluations. Read the newest to testimonials to get an concept of what the relationship web site is like. And she doesn’t respect males who can’t management anger, so Such guys not often get respect. In different phrases, she wasn’t essentially a Caucasian lady who appreciated Asian men specifically. An identical derogatory term is ‘female Ph.D’ which is an unmarried girl who chose to pursue a Ph.D and didn’t marry young. On the time of the new coronavirus pandemic, online dating has become a lifeline for a lot of people that could not breach the self-isolation guidelines and quarantine measures to satisfy their lovers or potential dates offline. Chinese ladies go loopy for foreigners who speak Chinese language effectively.
Whether it’s a relationship or a undertaking they’re engaged on, they pour their heart and soul into it, at all times doing one of the best they can. Different Chilean Jews who’ve achieved recognition in arts and culture embrace Alejandro Jodorowsky, now established in France and best known internationally for his literary and filmic work. After independence within the nineteenth century, Brazil attracted more Jews amongst its immigrants, and stress in Europe satisfied more Jews to depart. They’ve had key roles each before and after its independence in 1810. Most Chilean Jews at present reside in Santiago and ValparaÃso, but there are vital communities within the north and south of the country. Jewish refugees within the country illegally to remain. The Jewish inhabitants increased dramatically within the 1950s and 1960s, and institutions comparable to synagogues, schools and social clubs have been established throughout the biggest cities within the country. The Inca rulers constructed large warehouses or Qullqa to retailer foodstuffs to produce the Inca military, to distribute goods to the populace for ritual feasting, and to assist the population in lean years of dangerous harvests. Throughout the years 1933-43, there have been a population of 2,700 Jewish immigrants.
In 1950, there was an estimation of 4,000 persons dwelling in Ecuador. Most of the lively Jewish communities in Ecuador are from German origin. The United States and human rights teams complain that China and its firms are wielding affect partly through corruption and turning a blind eye to labour and environmental standards and human rights. The San José suburb of Rohrmoser has a strong Jewish affect on account of its residents. 1954. President José López Portillo (1976-82) broke with long-standing treasury observe of not taking on international debt, and borrowed extensively in U.S. The country’s first synagogue, the Orthodox Shaarei Zion, was in-built 1933 in the capital San José (it is located along third Avenue and 6th Avenue). The oldest synagogue in the Americas, Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue, positioned in Recife. The Centro Israelita Sionista (Zionist Israeli Center) is a large Orthodox compound where a synagogue, library and museum are positioned. They are concentrated in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, with the primary thought of the middle of the Jewish population in Latin America. Before you can begin exchanging messages with folks, it is advisable to take the character test as well as questionnaires which are provided.
No man is an island and certainly folks want the company and the assurance that somebody is going to face by them until their faces are already wrinkled and their head filled with grey hair. Smaller communities are present in Cartagena and the island of San Andres. Examples of the Jap Christian fashion can be found in the Slavic ripidion of the thirteenth century, preserved at Moscow, and in the one proven in the Megaspileon monastery in Greece. Large communities are found in Cali and MedellÃn, but only a few practicing Jews. In 1856 and 1902 the Jews of Coro (Venezuela) have been plundered, maltreated, and pushed to seek refuge in their native Curaçao. Jews fleeing the Inquisition settled in Argentina, where they intermarried with native women. After World War II, a small number of Polish Jews immigrated to Bolivia. 1557 by Ñuflo de Chávez who was accompanied by a small group of pioneers, including several crypto-Jews from Ascuncion and Buenos Aires. Although a comparatively small neighborhood amounting to not more than 1% of the country’s religious minorities, Jews in Chile have achieved distinguished positions in its society.
On this part, take a look at your religious Christmas trivia information and find out about the primary Live Nativity Scene, the Birthplace of Jesus, and extra. In the early 1990s, Operation Cigar was launched, and in the interval of five years, more than four hundred Cuban Jews secretly immigrated to Israel. In the early 21st century, most of the Jews in Colombia are concentrated in Bogotá, with about 20,000 members, and Barranquilla, with about 7,000 members. They are terrific companions, passionate lovers, and impeccable wives. They are sometimes very close to their mothers and [url=]latamdate review[/url] other feminine relations, and so they often have a strong sense of household values. Prorastomus is considered one of two genera of the family Prorastomidae, the opposite Pezosiren. Latin America’s financial system is composed of two important financial sectors: agriculture and mining. The primary exports from Latin America are agricultural products and pure resources such as copper, iron, and petroleum. The Jewish Confederation of Brazil (CONIB) estimates that there are greater than 120,000 Jews in Brazil. In 1917, it was estimated that there have been 20 to 25 professing Jews in the nation.
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Zoom Episd
It keeps on saying error with the commands as I keep deleting and saving.
why aint it workin?
not working
If we customize it will it stay like that in every background and episode?
An error is occuring that " no body color called fair warm exists"
I have copied the same and it's working but it's not reflecting the same in the next episode, please help me for the same.
Hi, please help me for INK female character for the same. Because this codes are not working!!
their is so manny errors like omg
WTF THIS ERROR PLS HELP "No bodycolor called … exist
does not work
this does not work
Is there anyone who knows how to make premium colored gem choices. Everytime I add in Premium and GEMS it says I can't use more than one pandora in the script. Does the story automatically make the gem choices premium colored or do I have to do smth. If so, it'll be helpfull if anyone shows me how to do it because episode FAQ community isn't exactly helpful.
I used this template and it immediately said the first body shade didn't exist. What do I do???
is mine the only one thats saying the skin tones dont exist?
Ummm this isn't working for me… tons of errors are popping up about labels not existing…
um these skin colors dont exist
the coding for skin colour doesn't work? Please can you help me out
the coding for skin colour doesn't work? Please can you help me out
what if it starts to say that the choices don't exist, it keeps doing that to me.
suck my big black boaby
It keep saying stuff like fair gold skin color doesnt exist
says that the skin color doesnt exist
or you could just put
Change appearance?
"Customize Character"{
@MAYA goes to character avatar
"Use profile avatar"{
@MAYA becomes female profile
"I look perfect!"{
i dont know why, but when i copy it to my script. there stands that the body colours dont exist
What do I do if my character customization is inside an if statement? It doesn't allow labels inside if statements.
This is what I mean…
if(gender is "Girl"){
label _____}
It does't allow for me to label the pages because of this.
It's really useful…. Thank for this post…
Quick question: i applied this template onto my script and saved it but it keeps saying "unexpected STRING" to most things such as most of the body colors. I'm quite new to this so i don't really know what's going on in it. Any advice?
Is anyone once else getting errors?
Guys, I still can't make it work
Its says that these things don't exist
Please, help me
everytime i try to put this on my script it keeps showing errors
many errors…
the name input isnt working for me
when i enter this into my script, it says "no skintone called fair warm exists" and i don't know how to fix this! please help.
I copied and paste exact and errors popped up saying the choices don't exist?
always keep saying "Fair Warm" skin color not found! help!
sadly has ALOT of errorsss!!
Is there a way that I wouldn't have to go through this whole and change all the @character1 to the actually name?
it did not work it kept saying there was no 'fair rose skin color'
so can you fix this
I need help:( It says there isnt such a skin color as "Fair Warm" and so on.
It keeps saying the colours dont exist
This did not work for me, it kept saying the skin colours were wrong. ?
it says unexpected error
The skin tones are actually wrong… Accoring to my script errors
Episode is trying to tell me that the skin tones don't exist what do I do?
It keeps telling me there's an error with the skin colors. 🙁
That they don't exist???
I have a question. If you do this and go to episode 2 will the characters your reader customize will be save
I tried this script, and it says the skin colors don't exist. Can this bug be fixed?
it keeps saying that body colors dont exist
So I did this but on the skins,it says things like "Fair Warm does not exist".I don't know what the problem is;my character's name is right and I copied all of it.HELP!Also can you make an updated version because there was an update with hair.Another thing,Joseph Evans,if you you're seeing this (which you're probably not)can you make a video on HOW to do this?Thanks!PLEASE HELP MEEEE
thank you for this … but the skin colors are not working !!!
When I used this It said all the skin tones never existed .
For some reason, it kept telling me that (no bodycolor called "insert a body color name" exists. Can someone please help me out?
does it have errors for anyone else?
Can u pls make a ink version
I found another way to do this : Go on script template, click female avatar 1. Insert your character, press da little square, SWAZAM!
hi i need your help, mine doesn't work. It says that No body color called Fair Gold exist
This doesnt work. 🙁
It said the skin tones didn't exist when I put this on
I think this should be updated. The script isn't recognizing some of the skin tone names.
Can you do a male one that has the facial hair and everything else that's new too?
when i used this template i kept getting errors.
It doesn't work because "Fair Warm" doesn't exists.
Can you make an updated one with the new hairs etc. please
theres a problem,
Hey anyone here know how to get a banner on the above at a particular scene?
They keep saying that with the skin color Fair gold that Im putting the brackets wrong, or i am not putting down Choice at the top, but i did both of those things, what should I do?
yes it will if your seeing the preview on the computer or laptop try to see it from your phone
HEY! Is there any other links bc this isn't working… I need a new useful one! Thanks
Hi everyone! The reason why the skin codings are not working is because Episode Limelight have changed the names of the skin tones so the coding doesnt' work. I have tried to find another tmeplate but I couldn't so I'm afraid you'll ahve to type in the names one by one. I think the same thing may be happening with the brows but I haven't had that issue so far.
The names arent working it still is listed as the previous name.
Me too.Its says error "No bodyColor called fair Warm exist.
can u put it on the website?
yeah it is
please update the scripts for this also for the male because all of the skins and stuff are non – existant
For me, It keeps saying "Fair Warm Body Color doesn't exist" This just gets me so mad.
It does the same thing to me!
How can I get the character to talk with a custom name? For example if I use the name "JOE", how can I make that name appear above the speech?
Just put @CHARACTER goes to character avatar
What are the names of the eyebrows? I'm using the create a character page as a reference but the names match and I'm still getting errors. What should I do?
Just put ((character_stays)) next to NARRATOR.
Unfortunately, yes you do have to do it manually.
Are you using web previwer?
f you are getting an error message saying that “no eyebrows” exist, these are the 3 reasons why you would be getting that error:
The system does not recognize the character name. You either didn’t change the template’s name to your own character’s name, you misspelled your character’s name, or you have not created that character yet.
You are using a male character in a female template (and vise versa)
You are using an INK template in a Limelight story (and vise versa)
it is the new update now everything has different name. this template is for the older names
it is the new update now everything has different name. this template is for the older names
wow i thinked that I'm the only one who noticed! 😁💙
it is the new update now everything has different name. this template is for the older names
it's the new update this template is for the older version. if you go to the characters you can see that it isn't fair warm but bodycolor00 or something
same! what can we do?
for some reason it didn't work for me because it said the skin color 'fair warm' doesn't exist
It needs a update
1- go to characters ans go to skins as f your changing a characters skin, they all have simple names such as neutral 01, Gold 01, Copper 01 and take down the name of alot of skins
2- go to your script and go to skins, delete whats in the red quotes and just put Skin 1 or name the skins how you want.
3-where it says @(insert name) changes body color into _______ and delee the original name int one of the new names like i said copper 01, neutral 01, etc.
this takes a bit of time maybe 15-20 minute but it fixed my script!!!!!!
Hi this is a great idea but nothings working, i know the skin colors are updated but can you please update the template.
Recently the skin colours on episode have been updated. Instead of the names that were used previously, you have to replace them with the numbers given, such as Copper 06 or Neutral 01 or whatever skin tone you want to use.
same for me! except it's telling me that none of the skintones exist…i'm super confused.
Please update this template.
Yes, because the skin colors are updated.
I'm having a problem with it saying the body colour "fair warm" doesn't exist. Not sure what to do.
For me it's saying that the colour fair warm doesn't exist. This is the second problem with episode interactive I've had on this story I'm creating. Like what the hell?
The script didn't work for me. It keep saying error for the skin color.
So… I used the name changer and everything. But I don't know how to make the character talk or do anything after that. PLZ HELP!!!!!!
can you please send me an INK version on my email?
^^^ so are we just not gonna be able to write our stories for god knows how long
yea can we get an 2018 version
Same!I am gettin angry!! ARGHHHHH
You can copy it,try that
Ahh!!!!! It was OKay but After Skin color Updation It started To gave An error Pleaseeeeeeeee Help i am stuck
The skin tones don't work!
This template is no longer working? Now My entire story isn't publishable.
episode made new skin tones so now everything doesn't work. so you need to fix the templates with the new names i think… i don't know how to do it though………
Me too. Can someone help us? Joseph we need your help!
If you preview it on your computer, It will call you "Auto bot". But on mobile instead, you will get to pick your name and it says this instead "So, (Your name) whats your look?"
its telling me that the fair warm body color doesn't exist
Guys, I think that the eyebrows are outdated and Episode made new ones. So I think we should just change the eyebrow shape with the new ones instead of the old ones I don't know if I'm wrong, if you think I am wrong, nevermind.
The eyebrows doesn't work, I don't know why, Help!
it is probably because your script still has @character1, you can make a charavter, name them (for example :you) and on the top of this it can generate a script with said name. I f you wanted to change the characters name, the script has that too
I'm having the exact same problem. It has been a while since you posted this, so I was wondering if you had the solution. I really need help, I'm a beginner so any help you can give me would be very appreciated. Thank you!
On mine, it is saying "what's your name?" Then when you click on it, it goes to the part where you can customize your look. And it says " so, autobot what's your look". Since you were having a similar problem, is there any way you could help me out. I'm a beginner and I would REALLY appreciate it, thank you.
If it's not working for you people then do as it says and delete the # at the beginning it worked for me but you need to replace the first # with a @ sign. ALso don't forget to change the name to your characters name or else it wont work.
This definitely won't work, there is an error at every line
When I preview it only features pop up and not all of them.
Please help with the eyebrows!
im having a problem it keeps calling me auto bot like "so, auto bot whats your look" Someone help
It doesnt work for me. It says no face called diamon long and thesame happen with the eyebrows. Can someone help me out? THank you!
I don't want any other family members involved so what can I do to remove them?
Also, my main problem is that it keeps looping
I'm a noob at this so please explain
ughhhhhhhh it still isnt working
Just back space and write it again.
Does anyone know where to find a character customization template for Episode Spotlight????? plz help I've been looking everywhere for a template and I can't find one
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Go to the final choice in CHARACTER 1 (Yes, I look perfect!) and there is script "goto story_start", just delete it.
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I used this code but when, I saved
It it said that "Unexpected sequence: You cannot use a director command (starting with @) here." And I was like what the beck! Can you tell me why this happened?
I think this is outdated, it say's it's an error!
UPDATE: I managed solve this myself, it was quite simple. The template uses CHARACTER1 as the command for the character. My MC was already named CHARACTER1 for this purpose. What I had to change was the first part where they ask the name.
I changed it from this:
So… what's your name?
label first_name_input
input What's Your First Name?|What's Your First Name?|Done(NAME)
if (NAME is "") {
You do need a name.
goto first_name_input
} else {
label avatar_0
@zoom reset
@speechbubble reset
So, [NAME], what's your look?
Simply to this:
So… what's your name?
label first_name_input
input What's Your First Name?|What's Your First Name?|Done(CHARACTER1)
if (CHARACTER1 is "") {
You do need a name.
goto first_name_input
} else {
label avatar_0
@zoom reset
@speechbubble reset
So, [CHARACTER1], what's your look?
You could keep it as name, but then you'd have to go all the way back through the script and change every command for CHARACTER1 to NAME, so I recommend just changing this part.
Hopefully my findings can help some else.
P.S when someone is calling them in script don't forget the [] otherwise it'll just say CHARACTER1 in the dialogue
UPDATE: If I write [NAME] in the dialogue, it works, but if I want the character to speak, it comes up with the avatar name, not custom. How to fix?
Hey, this is an awesome template but I'm having an issue with the name customization. I tried writing in the typical CHARACTER1 but then it comes up with that. I tried FIRSTNAME I tried NAME, I've even tried FIRST_NAME but nothing is working. I'm trying to have the character narrate but I'm not sure how to choose the readers name!
you use the code [FIRSTNAME]
I used this and it works, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to refer back in the script to a character who has a custom name… is there code for that? I want them to say "Hi, I am…" but I don't know the name the reader chooses.
I'm pretty sure you need to name your character 'NAME' in the display name section
Wait, so do we have to manually type the family members in? Like
@CHARACTER changes bodyColor into Fair Warm
(and then do we write the family members here?)
wait nvm
i just had to delete some stuff because it won't work for all of them
When i copied and pasted everything it worked
but when i did the familymember thingy they became errors
Like everyone else I have an eyebrow problem and idk how to fix it because everyone says "change the name" but the name shown there is correct. If I delete the eyebrow option it starts with that the face shapes are not available or that there is no face shape called "XY". Idk what to do. Can this thing here get updated so it really works? Because I don't know what to do otherwise.
For me, it says goto avatar_0 doesn't exit. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I'm a little confused about what I should name my character, and I read a little bit of the beginning coding, and it really confuses me with the #'s. Can someone possibly help me?
Replace the @YOU with your character @ information. Sorry!
I noticed that not all the options for lips are included in the template. There are three lips missing so I will add them here and all you have to do is add the code into the lip shape label.
"Small Heart" {
@YOU changes mouth into Small Heart
goto mouth_0
}"Full Round Pouty" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Round Pouty
goto mouth_0
}"Full Round Flat Top Skin" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Round Flat Top Skin
goto mouth_0
It says Auto Bot by the way
The name isnt showing up when I preview… it just goes straight to the customization.
Well for me, everything is an error. Episode can really be annoying
No, you need to remove CHARACTER1 and (keyword:) REPLACE it with YOUR characters name.
Say the characters name is Avery, You replace CHARACTER1 with Avery.
This happened to me too! I don't know how i fixed it though. Make sure you copy EVERYTHING and don't erase anything (you can erase what the narrator says at the very bottom though). I tried it in a new story, copied and pasted all my work and then it worked for me. I don't know if thats it but I hope this helps in any way
I need help! How do I put the readers choices' name as it. Like when you want them to say something.
I tried putting "[NAME]" but then the narrator ends up saying it. For example say you name a character Alissa and it shows "ALISSA" above the speech bubble, I want it to say the readers name choice! Sorry for my grammar and if it doesn't make sense because I don't know how to word it. Someone please help!
Make sure you replace "label avatar_0" at the top with "label (whatever the name is)." That worked for me, at least.
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when i run (preview) i cant see the character coming from left to center . and also after i type the name i want to give to the character it enters into idle_loop. and i am not understanding the zoom and zone this explained above from where to remove and add #
I got the darn template to work BUT I keep trying to tinker around with it so readers aren't given the option to change the name. I figured out how to keep a certain hair color and the original name in INK but can't seem to do it for LIMELIGHT…
Why can't we have script templates RIGHT in the episode writer portal for LIMELIGHT ? (sorry if my English's not good, I speak french, soo:/)
The character will remain custumized in the next scene or episode? If not, how to make that happen?
So they eyebrow issue was fixed for me also, however the errors I'm getting now are: the label avatar_0 does not exist/is never used. What should i input for this?
same..i even checked my preview and it's the same thing in my avatar doesn't pop out :(( Does yours work now?
I NEED HELP!! My character does not pop out on the screen!! i literally copied every steps but it still doesnt appear..i refreshed the web so many times and it's still the same thing 🙁
Okay so I consistently keep trying to delete the errors then I deleted the page the third time and pasted it again and for no reason it says no errors.
Thats not the answer dude its the code it won't work
If you guys are still have problems with the Arched Natural eyebrow or (specific style body part) error, make sure you replace CHARACTER1 with your SCRIPT NAME and not your DISPLAY NAME. My problem went away after I tried that.
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Can you make one of Limelight Spotlight please?
in the actual app on a mobile device it should work i also was confused but when you actually play it on the app for mobile devices it works.
I Put The Code In, But When I Went On My Phone To See How It Looked, The Avatar Didn't show.
hey it would mean a lot if you guys can check out my episode dangerously loved the 3 episode is short but after that the story will be worth playing
I entered it in my script and I have over 600 errors it won't let me save or anything. What am I supposed to do?
what do I do with goto avatar_0?
It doesn't work.After I wrote the code was fine, but when I choose to change something it does not change. Please help me.
Could you do one of these in INK please?
If it is doing that, it means that the script says CHARACTER1 instead of your actual characters name. If you scroll to the top of this page, there is an option to insert your character's real name, and have a script generated with that name. If you do that, the problem will be fixed. (It happened to me too before I changed the name).
I had this problem too- easy solution. Make sure at the place of CHARACTER1, it says your character's actual name. Thankfully, this page gives you the option of generating a script with your character's name (all the way at the top is the option).
Its because after u past it once u have to do it a second time and then correct what she did wrong everything it says to delete it just do it and i promise it'll work
Thank you! This really helped me! 😀
Thank you for this!
Thank you for this!
um i'm having a problem with having the name the reader chose above it does anyone know how to fix thst or a video of someone doing that
um i'm having a problem with having the name the reader chose above it does anyone know how to fix thst or a video of someone doing that
THIS IS FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS THE ERROR: "eyebrows and etc. do not exist"
First create a character and name it whatever you want.
Then click the link in the description
When you get to the website, change "CHARACTER1" to your character's name.
For example, you can change it to YOU.
Next click "Copy All Code" (This is highlighted in blue)
This should've copied the whole thing onto your clipboard
Then paste it in your story.
I don't really know if this will work for everyone but it actually solved all my errors
This IS the Female customization for Episode Limelight!
Happened to me too! I was let with goto 01 eyebrow or something like that. For now I guess I just have to write my story without the readers customizing the characer
This still does not work!! I deleted all the codes for eyebrows, but now it says that "Diamond Log." for head shape, does not work. This is really stressing me out!! D: 🙁
I have the same problem! It keeps saying: "No eyebrows called Arched Natural Exists." I need this fixd ASAPPPP. (No rush) LOL srry
The first one worked, but the second time it didn't…??
I need an updated version of this. None of the eyebrows work. Thanks though. 🙂
people are saying it works does it matter if there are spelling errors because it says there are spelling errors?
I tried this with mine it said the label didn't exist…do I need to put an @ before goto…?
You take that away.You write in the name. For example it would be goto Grace.
I can't get the name part to work. It will get up to the part where it says whats your name, I click it and then it will have two choices; if(NAME is ''') or else. Then it then moves onto picking what the person looks like. How do I fix this? Could someone please help me??
The eyebrows don't exist. The reason behind this is the coding, not the eyebrow selections. This much coding is a lot to handle, so keep saving it until the error is gone. if that doesn't work, you might need to remove all eyebrow selections and note to the readers at the beginning that eyebrow selections are unavailable like I did for my story.
how to make the reader be able to customize 2 character in the same episode. Please answer i cant find the answer anywhere
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Same i don;t know whats wrong ( Excuse my grammar and spelling )
Same here!
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can you explain it a little less complicatedly please im not the brightest crayon
None of the eyebrows exist! Heeeeelp!!!!!
I'm having the same problem…
This happened to me too! I can't figure out how to fix it
HELP! It says that there are no eyebrows called "Arched Natural" that exists. When I delete the arched natural, the error just moves down to the next eyebrow option. How do I fix this?
I can't download it =(
This is nice and all…but none of the eyebrows exist…how can I fix this???
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I dont want peolpe to change the name, so what do I do with avatar_0?
I need help
How to continue
None of the eyebrows exits can you help me plz
Thank you so much for this!!!!
I have the same problem!
I copied into Episode and its saying none of the eyebrows exist 🙁
Could you help please? 🙂
May you please post a female customize character template for Episode Limelight??
Thank you!