Share Your Story Saturday!

Greetings to all on Share Your Story Saturday! If you are a newbie to Episode Life, firstly welcome, and secondly welcome to Share Your Story Saturday. SYSS is us helping you get your stories out there, seen by more people, and hopefully leading to more reads for you!

If you have a story, or stories, that you want to tell people about then just comment down below your story, a bit of what it’s about and links so people can check them out! You can comment multiple stories, and even if you haven’t got a story out yet just comment the title and a bit about it and when you think it’ll be live! 

As well as that you don’t even have to have a story yourself you can also shout out a story, or stories, that you are loving right now. Just follow the same procedure down below of telling us the title, what the story is about and the link to read it!

And that’s all there is to it, simples!

Happy Sharing Saturday!

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    Sapphire 11 months ago

    Heyy, this is my first story on episode, please check it out and let me know what you think about it in the feedback
    Title:-Queen Of Hell
    Description:- The most dangerous assassin and the heiress of the Italian Mafia with the rivalry of the Russian Mafia King. What will happen when they cross paths?


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    HEY, I’m currently in the porcess of writing 2 stories and I’d love if anyone checked them out.

    SORY 1: Cursed Ace
    Ella has always lived her life as the doting daughter.
    That is until she gets a scholorship to move to California for school. All Alone. No parents. No Rules.

    STORY 2: Love & Blood
    You lose your job, and finally rid yourself of a toxic/abusive relationship.
    When a mysterious man offers you a job you can’t resist what secrets will unfold?

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    AngelWings1983 2 years ago


    I have written six stories already, one is already complete. 

    (NEW!!) Colo(u)ring the Rainbow:
    You get in a car-accident. A kid is a witness. What happens if a judge sentence you to take care of the kid until his/her parent is out of coma? #CTR M/F MC and M/F LI CC, gender choices for the kid, choices.


    Cat Paws And Wolf Claws:
    You, a 49 year old female werecat, find an 9 year old orphan at your doorstep. What secrets will unfold, when you decide to take care of him??? No CC, Fantasy, Romance, choices… Female MC Male LI.

    The Runaway Groom (LL):
    You, a bi-male, runs away the 15th time at the aisle. What are you going to do if number 16 is the first one that ran away from you?? Male MC, Male LI, comedy, little bit of mafia and LGBTQ+.


    The Runaway Groom (INK):
    You, a bi-male, runs away the 15th time at the aisle. What are you going to do if number 16 is the first one that ran away from you?? Male MC, Male LI, comedy, little bit of mafia and LGBTQ+.


    For HIS Sake:
    After a tragedy you decide to turn your life upside down. You quit your job and has one friend left. That changes when you meet him. Your LI. Male MC, Male LI CC, LGBTQ+.


    Little Star (LL), complete:
    Your husband and you are trying to get children for years. Finally she’s there, but she’s born dead. (LL) CC, Choices, 1 LI.


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    Hello guys! I would like to introduce my first and brand new story named “Love Is A Law!” by Me, @anni on Episode:)

    You are Emilia Queens, a Special Agent of a secret organisation.
    Together you and your colleagues are on a complex mission. Leading the Special Forces and having mastered Martial Arts, you are ready to risk it all – but you have yet to learn the perks of seduction.

    Style: Limelight

    Genres: Action, Drama, Romance

    Amount of chapters: 3 (Ongoing)

    CC: Will be available from Episode 4.

    Gems: No gems needed, any choice available.

    Happy reading!

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    Hey, I have some stories to share that I made:

    Title: Squad: The Gavinville Paranormal Team
    Story Description: In Gavinville, monsters attempt to plague the city with its enhanced evil, and it is up to five squad heroes Karen, Sharon, Regina, and Max and Kyle to stop them. But will they?

    Next Story:
    Title: The Adventures of Samantha the Fairy
    Story Description: There’s always peace in Mondanasia unless evil destroys it. Can Princess Samantha save the land of Mondanasia in time?

    Next Story:
    Title: Super Wolf Girl
    Story Description: Terronica becomes a hero for one night and then suddenly becomes the town of Bluewood’s favorite wolf hero ever. But will she save the town from evil foes?

    Next Story:
    Title: The Fantasy World of Berlanda
    Story Description: In the Fantasy World of Berlanda, two royal heroes named Princess Mia and Prince Drake goes on quests and adventures to save their fantasy kingdom from evil.

    Next Story:
    Title: Demon in the Closet
    Story Description: Debby’s life is changed forever after the sudden disappearance of her parents. She must find them before it’s too late.

    Next Story:
    Title: Monster Castle
    Story Description: You’ve seen the video, you won the contest. But was this an evil plot to get you to come to the Monster Castle? **(CC, Sibling CC, tappable minigame, choices, etc.)**

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    I would like to comment my first story!! I hope you can take a look❤️

    Title: Miss Imperfectly Perfect💋

    ✨Story description✨

    Vara has always been the overweight best friend, after a horrible night she wishes to be skinny and perfect, in that way she won’t be hurt anymore. What happens when her wish comes true? Will she be able to handle everything with her childhood crush and the new student? 

    💕Full Customization 
    💕LGBT option 
    💕Choices Matter/Point System:You can gain or lose Family points👪, Friendship points🍭, Alejandro/Alejandra points🏆 And Judas/Jude points🎤
    💕Three endings 
    💕Release date:Someday in August.
    💕Genders:Comedy, Romance and a little bit of Fantasy/Magic 

    I’m reading Miss Imperfectly Perfect. Check it out:

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    Title: Psychotic Kids

    Description: A gift, a curse, madness? Violette doesn’t know anymore. But when the ghosts of the past resurface, all the masks will fall off and the truth will come out.


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    Title: Craving Your Blood
    Description : To maintain peace with the humans in town, Diana must pretend to be a normal human being with her worse enemy. Can she handle the hotness and not fall in love, or get killed?
    Link :