Nightclub Background Scene Script Template

A nightclub script template for you to use in your stories! This scene features dancing characters, moving spotlights, and flashing laser lights! Since this template has more than 10 characters, it doesn’t work with the name generator buttons on this site. Instead, you’ll need to either replace all names with your own character names, or simply allow Episode to auto-generate the background characters using the randomizer in the portal.

1. Download this background and upload it to your account using its exact name:
2. Download these overlays and upload them to your account using their exact names:
3. Click the “Copy All Code” button below and paste it into your script.
4. Replace all character names manually, or allow Episode to auto-generate the background characters using the randomizer in the portal.
5. Enjoy using this template in your stories!




@zoom reset
@overlay NIGHTCLUBFOREGROUND to layer 4

@FEMALECHARACTER1 spot 0.560 218 324 in zone 1
@FEMALECHARACTER1 moves to layer 3
@FEMALECHARACTER1 starts dance_grind_neutral_loop

@MALECHARACTER1 spot 0.569 217 323 in zone 1
@MALECHARACTER1 moves to layer 2
@MALECHARACTER1 faces left
@MALECHARACTER1 starts dance_grind_neutral_loop

@FEMALECHARACTER2 spot 0.488 293 361 in zone 1
@FEMALECHARACTER2 moves to layer 1
@FEMALECHARACTER2 starts dance_whip_loop

@MALECHARACTER2 spot 0.515 72 357 in zone 1
@MALECHARACTER2 faces right
@MALECHARACTER2 moves to layer 3
@MALECHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_leanback_neutral_loop

@FEMALECHARACTER3 spot 0.398 106 398 in zone 2
@FEMALECHARACTER3 moves to layer 2
@FEMALECHARACTER3 starts dance_armsup_hipthrust_loop

@MALECHARACTER3 spot 0.606 201 288 in zone 2
@MALECHARACTER3 faces right
@MALECHARACTER3 moves to layer 5
@MALECHARACTER3 starts sip_cup_neutral_loop
@add Tumbler Glass Glass Yellow to MALECHARACTER3

@FEMALECHARACTER4 spot 0.452 138 378 in zone 2
@FEMALECHARACTER4 moves to layer 3
@FEMALECHARACTER4 starts dance_groove_happy_loop

@MALECHARACTER4 spot 0.597 278 290 in zone 2
@MALECHARACTER4 faces left
@MALECHARACTER4 moves to layer 6
@MALECHARACTER4 starts talk_cup_neutral_loop
@add Bottle Beer Glass Amber Blue to MALECHARACTER4

@FEMALECHARACTER5 spot 1.100 120 128 in zone 3
@FEMALECHARACTER5 starts idle_sit_leanforward_bobhead_loop
@FEMALECHARACTER5 moves to layer 5

@MALECHARACTER5 spot 0.452 53 379 in zone 2
@MALECHARACTER5 faces left
@MALECHARACTER5 moves to layer 3
@MALECHARACTER5 starts dance_club_happy_loop

@FEMALECHARACTER6 spot 0.529 26 340 in zone 2
@FEMALECHARACTER6 moves to layer 9
@FEMALECHARACTER6 starts dance_armsup_hipthrust_loop

@MALECHARACTER6 spot 1.127 296 30 in zone 3
@MALECHARACTER6 faces right
@MALECHARACTER6 moves to layer 6
@MALECHARACTER6 starts idle_loop_rear

@FEMALECHARACTER7 spot 0.452 146 373 in zone 1
@FEMALECHARACTER7 starts idle_sit_leanback_neutral_loop
@FEMALECHARACTER7 moves to layer 0

@BARMAID spot 0.594 83 287 in zone 3
@BARMAID faces left
@BARMAID starts listen_nod_happy_loop
@BARMAID moves to layer 3

@BARMAN spot 1.028 245 87 in zone 3
@BARMAN faces left
@BARMAN starts listen_gossip_neutral_loop
@BARMAN moves to layer 3

@cut to zone 1

@overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN shifts to 237 405 in zone 1 in 0
@overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN moves to layer 3
&overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN opacity 1 in 0.2 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN opacity 0 in 0.2 loop infinite times
&overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN rotates 180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN rotates -180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 loop infinite times

@overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 shifts to 155 413 in zone 2 in 0
@overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 moves to layer 3
&overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 opacity 0 in 0.1 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 opacity 1 in 0.15 loop infinite times
&overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 rotates 180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 rotates -180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 10 loop infinite times

@overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK shifts to 197 482 in zone 1
@overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK moves to layer 6
&overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK rotates 28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 2 using easeinout then overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK rotates -28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 2 using easeinout loop infinite times

@overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 opacity 1
@overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 shifts to 162 448 in zone 2
&overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 rotates 28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 1.7 using easeinout then overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 rotates -28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 1.7 using easeinout loop infinite times

@overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to -640 0 in zone 1
@overlay CLUBLIGHTS moves to layer 10
&overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to 0 0 in zone 1 in 6 then overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to -640 0 in zone 1 in 6 loop infinite times

@overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 create from CLUBLIGHTS
@overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 opacity 1
@overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to -320 0 in zone 3
&overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to 640 0 in zone 3 in 8 then overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to -320 0 in zone 3 in 8 loop infinite times

@pan to zone 3 in 12
@pan to zone 1 in 12


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    Rhiannon 3 months ago

    Am I allowed to use this in a commissioned story?

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    You’ve done an impressive work on your website in covering the topic. I am working on content about Thai-Massage and thought you might like to check out ZH5 and let me what you think.

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    Dera.episode 2 years ago

    If it doesn’t work properly for you try this!


    @zoom reset
    @overlay 5330965409890304_NIGHTCLUBFOREGROUND shifts to 3 0 in zone 1
    @overlay 5330965409890304_NIGHTCLUBFOREGROUND scales to 1.246 1.246
    @overlay 5330965409890304_NIGHTCLUBFOREGROUND moves to layer 5

    @FEMALECHARACTER1 spot 0.560 218 324 in zone 1
    @FEMALECHARACTER1 moves to layer 3
    @FEMALECHARACTER1 faces left
    @FEMALECHARACTER1 starts dance_grind_neutral_loop

    @MALECHARACTER1 spot 0.569 217 323 in zone 1
    @MALECHARACTER1 moves to layer 2
    @MALECHARACTER1 faces left
    @MALECHARACTER1 starts dance_grind_neutral_loop

    @FEMALECHARACTER2 spot 0.488 293 361 in zone 1
    @FEMALECHARACTER2 moves to layer 1
    @FEMALECHARACTER2 faces right
    @FEMALECHARACTER2 starts dance_whip_loop

    @MALECHARACTER2 spot 0.515 72 357 in zone 1
    @MALECHARACTER2 faces right
    @MALECHARACTER2 moves to layer 3
    @MALECHARACTER2 starts idle_sit_leanback_neutral_loop

    @FEMALECHARACTER3 spot 0.398 106 398 in zone 2
    @FEMALECHARACTER3 faces left
    @FEMALECHARACTER3 moves to layer 2
    @FEMALECHARACTER3 starts dance_armsup_hipthrust_loop

    @MALECHARACTER3 spot 0.606 201 288 in zone 2
    @MALECHARACTER3 faces right
    @MALECHARACTER3 moves to layer 5
    @MALECHARACTER3 starts sip_cup_neutral_loop
    @add Tumbler Glass Glass Yellow to MALECHARACTER3

    @FEMALECHARACTER4 spot 0.452 138 378 in zone 2
    @FEMALECHARACTER4 moves to layer 3
    @FEMALECHARACTER4 faces left
    @FEMALECHARACTER4 starts dance_groove_happy_loop

    @MALECHARACTER4 spot 0.597 278 290 in zone 2
    @MALECHARACTER4 faces left
    @MALECHARACTER4 moves to layer 6
    @MALECHARACTER4 starts talk_cup_neutral_loop
    @add Bottle Beer Glass Amber Blue to MALECHARACTER4

    @FEMALECHARACTER5 spot 1.100 120 128 in zone 3
    @FEMALECHARACTER5 faces right
    @FEMALECHARACTER5 starts idle_sit_leanforward_bobhead_loop
    @FEMALECHARACTER5 moves to layer 5

    @MALECHARACTER5 spot 0.452 53 379 in zone 2
    @MALECHARACTER5 faces left
    @MALECHARACTER5 moves to layer 3
    @MALECHARACTER5 starts dance_club_happy_loop

    @FEMALECHARACTER6 spot 0.529 26 340 in zone 2
    @FEMALECHARACTER6 faces right
    @FEMALECHARACTER6 moves to layer 9
    @FEMALECHARACTER6 starts dance_armsup_hipthrust_loop

    @MALECHARACTER6 spot 1.127 296 30 in zone 3
    @MALECHARACTER6 faces right
    @MALECHARACTER6 moves to layer 6
    @MALECHARACTER6 starts idle_loop_rear

    @FEMALECHARACTER7 spot 0.452 146 373 in zone 1
    @FEMALECHARACTER7 faces left
    @FEMALECHARACTER7 starts idle_sit_leanback_neutral_loop
    @FEMALECHARACTER7 moves to layer 0

    @BARMAID spot 0.594 83 287 in zone 3
    @BARMAID faces left
    @BARMAID starts listen_nod_happy_loop
    @BARMAID moves to layer 4

    @BARMAN spot 1.028 245 87 in zone 3
    @BARMAN faces left
    @BARMAN starts listen_gossip_neutral_loop
    @BARMAN moves to layer 4

    @cut to zone 1

    @overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN shifts to 237 405 in zone 1 in 0
    @overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN moves to layer 3
    &overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN opacity 1 in 0.2 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN opacity 0 in 0.2 loop infinite times
    &overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN rotates 180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN rotates -180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 loop infinite times

    @overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 shifts to 155 413 in zone 2 in 0
    @overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 moves to layer 3
    &overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 opacity 0 in 0.1 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 opacity 1 in 0.15 loop infinite times
    &overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 rotates 180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 6 then overlay LASERLIGHTGREEN2 rotates -180 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 10 loop infinite times

    @overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK shifts to 197 482 in zone 1
    @overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK moves to layer 6
    &overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK rotates 28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 2 using easeinout then overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK rotates -28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 2 using easeinout loop infinite times

    @overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 create from SPOTLIGHTPINK
    @overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 opacity 1
    @overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 shifts to 162 448 in zone 2
    &overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 rotates 28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 1.7 using easeinout then overlay SPOTLIGHTPINK2 rotates -28 anchor point 0.5 1.0 in 1.7 using easeinout loop infinite times

    @overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to -640 0 in zone 1
    @overlay CLUBLIGHTS moves to layer 10
    &overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to 0 0 in zone 1 in 6 then overlay CLUBLIGHTS shifts to -640 0 in zone 1 in 6 loop infinite times

    @overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 create from CLUBLIGHTS
    @overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 opacity 1
    @overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to -320 0 in zone 3
    &overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to 640 0 in zone 3 in 8 then overlay CLUBLIGHTS2 shifts to -320 0 in zone 3 in 8 loop infinite times

    @pan to zone 3 in 12
    @pan to zone 1 in 12

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    AUGUST 2 years ago


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    Dissapointed 3 years ago

    The BG and the some off the overlays needed resizing to be able to upload too episode. And with resizing the script goes off and nothing functions anymore. Quality of content really gone down a lot with the basic pixaby BG’s. And now not working scripts.