To download this background, right click on the image (PC) or control click on the image (MAC) and select ‘Save Image As.”
Creator: Joseph Evans for the MESSAGING SCENES YouTube tutorial.
To download this background, right click on the image (PC) or control click on the image (MAC) and select ‘Save Image As.”
Creator: Joseph Evans for the MESSAGING SCENES YouTube tutorial.
Nice. Thanks for that!
does it still work?
It isn't working for me.
i need help downloading
it won't right click
How do I use it as a background?
please tell me if you’ve found out
Love it
doesnt work for me
Thank you so much
hey i am writing a text seen and it said that this phone background does not exist
thank you but this is not working in 2020
it wouldn't work
it says it doesn't exist
Your phone doesn't work on my computer.
it says it does not exist
this isnt working for me some help
it doesnt work
it says it doesnt exist
so how do you actually use it? I have downloaded it but how do i use it in episode? Because it says that background doesn't exist
Does not work
I will be using this in my story!!
episode says that this background isn't available
It isn't working for me
It isn't saving
how do you put it in your episode script?
Wow this actually works! Tysm Joseph!
it has to be png
how do u use it in ur episode please reply back;)
mine doesnt work even though i selected "save as" and reloaded the page
I added the background but it doesn't appear in my background art catalog
For some reason when I used the "INT. PHONE MESSENGER – DAY" it kept getting an error that said that it doesn't exists. What should I do?
I tried use this but it says it doesn't exist
Um I am confused on how this is going to be downloaded?
How do I get this format to work, I tried copying and pasting the link and its not working.
Thanks! At the end of the episode I will give you credit! 😀
I can't use it because episode requires a .png file and this is a .jpeg file. I'm not sure what to do.
The phone doesn't have a top.
How do i put that on my episode
Love it! Thanks for the background, this will be handy for my episode. Keep up the good work on your videos! 🙂
Im sorry, how do you get this back round to even work?
Thank you so much you are so helpful <3 u
This is so cool! I am thinking about writing an Episode story with LimeLight… Any ideas for a story I could do? I'm not a pro, but I will learn.