Camera Shake Script Template

Here’s a free camera shake template for you guys! To use this template, simply put your character’s name in the input box below, click generate script, then copy all code, and you’ll be ready to paste it into your own script!

Template created by Uwe Muller @uwe.episode
Stories by Uwe Muller: Olden Glory

[EXT. BEHIND BUSHES – NIGHT &zoom on 126 568 to 155% 0 @transition fade in black 1 @CHARACTER1 spot 1.280 155 438 AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is surf_crowd_loop @pause for a beat &zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.3 @CHARACTER1 walks to spot 1.280 155 -93 in 0.3 AND CHARACTER1 does it while surf_crowd_loop THEN CHARACTER1 starts lay_asleep_loop sound car_crash @zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1]