Template created by Uwe Muller @uwe.episode
Stories by Uwe Muller: Olden Glory
[EXT. BEHIND BUSHES – NIGHT &zoom on 126 568 to 155% 0 @transition fade in black 1 @CHARACTER1 spot 1.280 155 438 AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is surf_crowd_loop @pause for a beat &zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.3 @CHARACTER1 walks to spot 1.280 155 -93 in 0.3 AND CHARACTER1 does it while surf_crowd_loop THEN CHARACTER1 starts lay_asleep_loop sound car_crash @zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 160 to 155% 0.1 @zoom on 126 0 to 155% 0.1]
sooooo helpful
ty for this!
Hey guys!! Please read my story. It's called ( Me Then Me Now And Who I'll Become ) thank you!!!
This was actually so helpful!!!
need some help
it doesn't work
I got errors using this code…. help?
Too funny
make one for limelight
Yes you type in the command:
@CHARACTER1 walks to screen center in 2.5.
I have a problem with the code. Whenever it ends, my character i used it with is lower than every other character. Is there a way to fix it? Thank you.
loving it
Thank you!
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Don't click the 10 lines section a lot. It will mess up the zoom on the app. And when that happens, press Directing Helper and press zoom reset.
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To start, I love your work. However, I am having trouble with this particular script. When i insert the code onto my script and preview the action on the app, every scene starting from the beginning is zoomed in. How can I fix it? Thank you! 🙂
Awesome! Thanks so much!
I love love love this
This is awesome! I'm gonna use it, thank you (:
Wow thanks!
This is super helpful
This one is a good one!
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very worthy to have this!
This is cute!