Limelight Male Customize Character Script Template

A male limelight character customization template which allows readers to customize the main character (or any character) in your stories! Make sure to read the instructions in full for this one!

Created by: @writer.trishagold
Instagram: @writer.trishagold

Episode Stories

Wattpad Stories
NOTE Name Choice Code: If you use both the male and female character creation PLUS name giving, don’t forget to change the code for their names (just change what’s highlighted in the name giving code/dialogue to anything you want!). For example: Instead of NAME do NAMEF for female and NAMEM for male or give them numbers. Want the name above the speechbubble? Go to the character screen of the one the readers get to customize and put whatever is your code for their name (in my script’s case NAME) in the ‘display name’ bar.

NOTE Family Members: If you want any family of the character the reader is creating, to change with them (think about skin, eye or hair color for example), then put in the same codes for them EVERYWHERE like in this example:

  What skin color would you like?
“White” {
@FEMALE changes bodyColor into White
@FAMILYMEMBER1 changes bodyColor into White
@FAMILYMEMBER2 changes bodyColor into White
goto bodyColor_0
} “Dark” {
@FEMALE changes bodyColor into Dark
@FAMILYMEMBER1 changes bodyColor into Dark
@FAMILYMEMBER2 changes bodyColor into Dark
goto bodyColor_0
etcetera etcetera!

Don’t forget to place these family members, or whoever you want to change as well, in another zone/offscreen at the beginning of the customization scene. This is so they won’t pop into the screen anywhere out of nowhere. You also have to remove them afterwards. One code example is put into both scripts (if your customization happens in zone 3 just change the zone in the first red code so they won’t be seen on screen). Just remove the # in front of the code to make it work and don’t forget to change the script name to one of your own characters EVERYWHERE!

NOTE Zooms + zones: The template has 3 sets of zooms for every category, because for every zone the zoom is different to get the character in the center of the screen. These templates are set for a character being in zone 1. For zone 2, put a # before the first zoom (of zone 1) and take away the # in front of the second one (for zone 2). As you might have guessed, the third zoom is the one for zone 3.

[# Avatar – Male { #@FAMILYMEMBER1 stands screen center in zone 3 @CHARACTER1 enters from left to screen center NARRATOR So, what’s your name? label first_name_input_male input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME) if (NAME is “”) { NARRATOR You do need a name. goto first_name_input_male } else { continue } label boy_change_0 @zoom reset NARRATOR So, [NAME], what’s your look? choice “Skin Tone” { @zoom on 160 0 to 110% in 0 #@zoom on 480 0 to 110% in 0 #@zoom on 800 0 to 110% in 0 goto boy_bodyColor_0 }”Hair” { @zoom on 150 100 to 130% in 0 #@zoom on 470 100 to 130% in 0 #@zoom on 800 100 to 130% in 0 goto boy_hair_0 }”Eyes” { @zoom on 160 340 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 480 340 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 795 350 to 165% in 0 goto boy_eyes_0 }”Eyebrows” { @zoom on 160 305 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 480 305 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 795 305 to 165% in 0 goto boy_brows_0 }”Face Shape”{ @zoom on 160 340 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 480 350 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 795 350 to 165% in 0 goto boy_face_0 }”Nose” { @zoom on 160 340 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 480 340 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 795 340 to 165% in 0 goto boy_nose_0 }”Mouth” { @zoom on 160 300 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 480 300 to 165% in 0 #@zoom on 795 300 to 165% in 0 goto boy_mouth_0 } “He looks perfect.” { goto boy_avatar_end } label boy_bodyColor_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What skin color would you like? choice “Fair Warm”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Warm }”Fair Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Gold }”Beige Light Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Neutral }”Fair Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Neutral }”Beige Light Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Rose }”Fair Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Fair Rose }”Beige Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Rose }”Beige Light Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Light Gold }”Beige Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Gold }”Tan Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Neutral }”Beige Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Deep Gold }”Beige Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige DeepNeutral }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_bodyColor_1 }“This looks good!”{ @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_bodyColor_0 label boy_bodyColor_1 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What skin color would you like? choice “Beige Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Neutral }”Tan Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Gold }”Beige Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Beige Deep Rose }”Tan Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Rose }”Tan Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Gold }”Tan Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Rose }”Tan Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Tan Deep Neutral }”Brown Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Gold }”Brown Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Neutral }”Brown Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Rose }”Brown Deep Rose”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Rose }”Brown Deep Gold”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Gold }”Brown Deep Neutral”{ @CHARACTER1 changes bodyColor into Brown Deep Neutral }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_bodyColor_0 }“This looks good!”{ @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_bodyColor_1 label boy_brows_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What eyebrow shape would you like? choice “Arched Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Medium }”Arched Bushy”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Arched Bushy }”Male Generic”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Male Generic }”Round Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Medium }”Round Soft”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Soft }”Round Thick”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Thick }”Round Thin”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Round Thin }”Straight Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrows into Straight Medium }“Select a color.”{ goto boy_browsColor_0 } “Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_brows_0 label boy_browsColor_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color should your eyebrows be? choice “Black Dark”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark }”Black Jet”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet }”Deep Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown }”Dark Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown }”Chestnut Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown }”Light Brown”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown }”Blonde Medium”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium }”Dirty Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde }”Honey Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde }”Platinum Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_browsColor_1 }“Change eyebrow shape.”{ goto boy_brows_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_browsColor_0 label boy_browsColor_1 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color should your eyebrows be? choice “Strawberry Blonde”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde }”Gray”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Gray }”Warm White”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Warm White }”Copper Red”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red }”Ginger Red”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red }”Green Mint”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint }”Pink Light”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt }”Purple Lilac”{ @CHARACTER1 changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_browsColor_0 }“Change eyebrow shape.”{ goto boy_brows_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_browsColor_1 label boy_face_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What face shape would you like? choice “Diamond Soft”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Diamond Soft }”Diamond Defined”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Diamond Defined }”Male Generic”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Male Generic }”Round Soft”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Round Soft }”Round Broad Cheeks”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Round Broad Cheeks }”Square Jaw”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Square Jaw }”Square Jaw Mature”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Square Jaw Mature }”Triangle Chiseled”{ @CHARACTER1 changes face into Triangle Chiseled }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_face_0 label boy_eyes_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What eye shape would you like? choice “Deepset Downturned” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Downturned }”Deepset Heavy Lid” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Heavy Lid }”Deepset Sloping Mature” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Deepset Sloping Mature }”Sloping Heavy Lid” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Sloping Heavy Lid }”Male Deep Sunken” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Male Deep Sunken }”Male Generic” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Male Generic }”Monolid Slender” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Monolid Slender }”Oval Wide” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyes into Oval Wide }“Select a color.”{ goto boy_eyesColor_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_eyes_0 label boy_eyesColor_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What color are your eyes? choice “Brown Black” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Black }”Brown Dark” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Dark }”Hazel” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Hazel }”Brown Light” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Brown Light }”Grey Cool” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Grey Cool }”Blue Deep” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Blue Deep }”Blue Aqua” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua }”Green Emerald” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Green Emerald }”Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Red }”Violet” { @CHARACTER1 changes eyesColor into Violet }“Change eye shape.”{ goto boy_eyes_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_eyesColor_0 label boy_mouth_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What mouth shape would you like? choice “Full Heart Natural” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Full Heart Natural }”Full Heart Large” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Full Heart Large }”Thin Heart” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Thin Heart }”Medium Straight Natural” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouth into Medium Straight Natural }“Select color.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouth_0 label boy_mouthColor_0 NARRATOR What color lips would you like? choice “Natural”{ goto boy_mouthNatural0 }”Bright Colored”{ goto boy_mouthMakeup0 }”Dark Colored”{ goto boy_mouthMakeupDark0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“This looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } label boy_mouthNatural0 NARRATOR What natural lip color would you like? choice “Fair Rose Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte }”Fair Neutral Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte }”Beige Light Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte }”Fair Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte }”Beige Rose” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Rose }”Beige Gold Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte }”Beige Deep Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_mouthNatural1 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthNatural0 label boy_mouthNatural1 NARRATOR What natural lip color would you like? choice “Tan Deep Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold }”Tan Deep Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral }”Brown Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Gold }”Brown Neutral” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral }”Brown Deep Rose” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose }”Brown Deep Gold” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_mouthNatural0 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthNatural1 label boy_mouthMakeup0 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Pink Peach Light Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Gloss }”Pink Peach Lt Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss }”Pink Peach Light Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte }”Peach Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss }”Peach Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Peach Matte }”Pink Beige Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss }”Pink Beige Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte }”Pink Medium Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss }”Pink Medium Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_mouthMakeup1 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthMakeup0 label boy_mouthMakeup1 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Pink Hot Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss }”Pink Hot Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte }”Pink Deep Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss }”Pink Deep Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte }”Purple Pastel Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss }”Purple Pastel Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte }”Pink Warm Gloss” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss }”Pink Warm Matte” { @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_mouthMakeup0 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthMakeup1 label boy_mouthMakeupDark0 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Red Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Gloss }”Red Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Matte }”Rose Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss }”Rose Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Rose Matte }”Red Deep Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss }”Red Deep Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte }”Violet Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss }”Violet Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Violet Matte }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_mouthMakeupDark1 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthMakeupDark0 label boy_mouthMakeupDark1 NARRATOR What lip color would you like? choice “Mauve Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss }”Mauve Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte }”Plum Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss }”Plum Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Plum Matte }”Black Gloss”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Black Gloss }”Black Matte”{ @CHARACTER1 changes mouthColor into Black Matte }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_mouthMakeupDark0 }“Try other colors.”{ goto boy_mouthColor_0 }“Change lip shape.”{ goto boy_mouth_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_mouthMakeupDark1 label boy_hair_0 NARRATOR Which hair styles would you like to browse? choice “Classic Short Styles!”{ goto hairClassic }”Hip Styles!”{ goto hairHip }”Longer Styles!”{ goto hairShaggy }“Change Color.”{ goto boy_hairColor_0 }“This looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } label hairClassic NARRATOR What short hair style would you like? choice “Generic Short” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Generic Short @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }”Short Curly Fade” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Curly Fade @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }”Short Messy Curls” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Messy Curls @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }”Wavy Messy” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Wavy Messy @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }”Short Shaggy” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Shaggy @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }”Short Twists” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Short Twists @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairClassic }“Different Styles.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Change Color.”{ goto boy_hairColor_0 }“This looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } label hairHip NARRATOR What hip hairstyle do you want? choice “Curly Mohawk” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Curly Mohawk @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairHip }”Manbun” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Manbun @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairHip }”Slicked Back Solid” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Slicked Back Solid @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairHip }”Wavy Quiff” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Wavy Quiff @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairHip }“Different Styles.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Change Color.”{ goto boy_hairColor_0 }“This looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } label hairShaggy NARRATOR What longer hair style do you have? choice “Afro” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Afro @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShaggy }”Long Braided” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Braided @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShaggy }”Medium Dreadlocks” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShaggy }”Long Dreadlocks” { @CHARACTER1 changes hair into Long Dreadlocks @CHARACTER1 starts primp_neutral goto hairShaggy }“Different Styles.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Change Color.”{ goto boy_hairColor_0 }“This looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } label boy_hairColor_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What color is your hair? choice “Black Dark” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Black Dark }”Black Jet” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Black Jet }”Deep Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Deep Brown }”Dark Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Dark Brown }”Chestnut Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown }”Medium Warm Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown }”Light Brown” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Light Brown }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_hairColor_1 }“Back To Styles.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_hairColor_0 label boy_hairColor_1 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Yellow” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Yellow }”Honey Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Honey Blonde }”Blonde Medium” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blonde Medium }”Dirty Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde }”Ash Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Ash Blonde }”Platinum Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde }”Warm White” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Warm White }”Aqua Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Gray }”Cool Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Cool Gray }”Gray” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Gray }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_hairColor_2 }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_hairColor_0 }“Change Style.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_hairColor_1 label boy_hairColor_2 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What color is your hair? choice “Burgundy Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Burgundy Red }”Copper Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Copper Red }”Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Red }”Ginger Red” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Ginger Red }”Strawberry Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde }”Orange” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Orange }”Peach Blonde” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Peach Blonde }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_hairColor_3 }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_hairColor_1 }“Back To Styles.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_hairColor_2 label boy_hairColor_3 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Grievance Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Grievance Green }”Aqua Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Green }”Green Mint” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Green Mint }”Yellow Green” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Yellow Green }”Blue Black” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blue Black }”Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Blue }”Aqua Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Aqua Blue }”Cornflower Blue” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue }“Next Page >>”{ goto boy_hairColor_4 }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_hairColor_2 }“Change Style.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_hairColor_3 label boy_hairColor_4 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_happy_loop NARRATOR What hair color would you like? choice “Plum ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Plum }”Purple ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Purple }”Red Purple ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Red Purple }”Purple Lilac” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Purple Lilac }”Pop Pink ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Pop Pink }”Hot Pink ” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Hot Pink }”Pink Light” { @CHARACTER1 changes hairColor into Pink Lt }“<< Previous Page”{ goto boy_hairColor_3 }“Change Style.”{ goto boy_hair_0 }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_hairColor_4 label boy_nose_0 @CHARACTER1 starts idle_loop NARRATOR What nose would you like? choice “Button Wide” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Button Wide }”Button Round” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Button Round }”Grecian Narrow” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Grecian Narrow }”Grecian Round” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Grecian Round }”Hooked Grecian” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Hooked Grecian }”Male Generic” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Male Generic }”Round Wide” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Round Wide }”Straight Narrow” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Straight Narrow }”Bulbous Downturned” { @CHARACTER1 changes nose into Bulbous Downturned }“Looks good!”{ goto boy_change_0 } goto boy_nose_0 label boy_avatar_end @zoom reset NARRATOR Are you sure this is the look for you? choice “Yes, I look perfect!”{ #@remove FAMILYMEMBER1 &CHARACTER1 exits left @transition fade out 2 goto story_start } “No, I have to change something.”{ goto boy_change_0 } #} label story_start NARRATOR This is where the story begins. Happy writing! ]